What's New?

The FY10 schedule is now available. Please check back soon for information on VTT classes and Submarine Safety Officer classes as they are not finalized at this time. To view the FY10 schedule click here.

The 17th Annual Safety Professional Development Conference is now over. For those Certified Industrial Hygienists wishing to claim Certification Maintenance points for this event, the Approval Number is 09-2103. Points were awarded at 0.5 points per 0.5 days for a total of 3.5 Safety points. This information has been posted to the American Board of Industrial Hygiene web site in their CM Approval Database. The 18th Annual conference will be held 8 - 12 March 2010 at the Holiday Inn Executive Center in Virginia Beach, VA. Please check back here in late 2009 for additional information. Click here for available presentations.

Uniform Policy: For all Naval Safety and Environmental Training Center sponsored courses, including VTT sites.

All Navy and Marine corps personnel who meet course prerequisites may register. This allows for a more efficient management and utilization of scheduled courses. Naval Safety and Environmental Training Center courses will be scheduled by quota control on a first come, first served basis. Personnel who meet course prerequisites shall obtain a quota via the eNTRS Website: https://entrs.chamb.disa.mil . You will then need to click PROCEED TO LOGIN PAGE to log in to the eNTRS site. If personnel cannot access the ENTRS website quotas may be obtained directly from central quota control by phone at (757) 445-7353 option 3, DSN 565-7353, or email: Tschrquotas@navy.mil

Quota Control Request Process - Quotas for Naval Safety and Environmental Training Center courses must be put into the Enterprise Navy Training Reservation System (eNTRS)

Aviation Safety Specialist and Safety Programs Afloat Prerequisite

FY 09 funding for the Tuition Assistance Program is now available. Click here to review the program eligibility and application requirements. Click here for a SF 182.

Vision, Mission, and Guiding Principles


We are the provider of choice for occupational safety, industrial hygiene and environmental training for all of the Department of Defense. We ensure quality, customer centric, training by combining transformational leadership, cost effective principles, and delivery through current and emerging technologies.


We provide quality education and training for military and civilian Navy and Marine Corps personnel, both afloat and ashore, in the areas of occupational safety, environmental protection, and emergency management leading to:

- enhanced operational readiness
- a safe and healthful workplace
- stewardship through compliance with applicable regulations.

Guiding Principles:

- Uphold the Navy core values of honor, courage, and commitment
- Encourage innovation and personal initiative
- Plan ahead and manage to the mission
- Evoke leadership with trust and respect which empowers staff members to flourish and share ideas.
- Uphold personal accountability with due respect for each other
- Be part of the solution - not the problem - by using systematic processes and collaborating with others to effect change that grows relationships and supports our mission
- Promote fiscal responsibility - be good stewards of available resources
- Embrace tools, techniques, and guidance that advance training modalities
- Cultivate an organizational culture of mutual respect and trust where open and honest communication are the norm and teamwork flourishes.

Training Aids

DAVIS/DITIS Safety Videos:     http://www.defenseimagery.mil/index.html 
Career Development Program   Professional Exam Prep Programs

Last Modified: Friday, August 07, 2009