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Invasive and Noxious Weeds

NRCS Invasive Species Policy
Invasive Species Executive Order 13112

Introduced Plants of the PLANTS Floristic Area with Scientific Name =G*
163 records returned

Click on an accepted name below to view its PLANTS Profile with all synonyms, distribution map, more information, and web links if available.

Symbol Scientific Name Common Name Native Status
GALA13 Gadellia lactiflora milky bellflower L48 (I), CAN (N)
GAFI6 Gagea fistulosa star of Bethlehem L48 (I)
GAVI9 Gagea villosa hairy star of Bethlehem L48 (I)
GAGR11 Gaillardia ×grandiflora L48 (I)
GAPU Gaillardia pulchella firewheel L48 (N), HI (I), CAN (I)
GAPUP Gaillardia pulchella var. picta firewheel L48 (N), HI (I)
GAPUP2 Gaillardia pulchella var. pulchella firewheel L48 (N), HI (I), CAN (I)
GAEL5 Galanthus elwesii giant snowdrop L48 (I)
GANI Galanthus nivalis snowdrop L48 (I), CAN (I)
GAOF Galega officinalis professor-weed L48 (I), CAN (I)
GAPU80 Galenia pubescens coastal galenia L48 (I)
GASE3 Galenia secunda onesided galenia L48 (I)
GAAN5 Galeopsis angustifolia narrowleaf hempnettle L48 (I)
GABI3 Galeopsis bifida splitlip hempnettle L48 (I), AK (I), CAN (I)
GALA Galeopsis ladanum red hempnettle L48 (I), CAN (I), SPM (W)
GALAL Galeopsis ladanum var. ladanum red hempnettle L48 (I), CAN (I), SPM (W)
GALAL2 Galeopsis ladanum var. latifolia red hempnettle L48 (I), CAN (I), SPM (W)
GASP7 Galeopsis speciosa Edmonton hempnettle CAN (I)
GATE2 Galeopsis tetrahit brittlestem hempnettle L48 (I), CAN (I), SPM (I)
GATEA2 Galeopsis tetrahit var. arvensis L48 (I)
GATET2 Galeopsis tetrahit var. tetrahit brittlestem hempnettle L48 (I), CAN (I), SPM (I)
GAPA2 Galinsoga parviflora gallant soldier L48 (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (I)
GAQU Galinsoga quadriradiata shaggy soldier L48 (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (I)
GAUR4 Galinsoga urticifolia nettle-leaf soldier L48 (I)
GAAL Galium album white bedstraw L48 (I)
GAAP2 Galium aparine stickywilly L48 (N), AK (N), CAN (I?), GL (I?)
GAAR5 Galium aristatum awned bedstraw L48 (I)
GADI Galium divaricatum Lamarck's bedstraw L48 (I), HI (I)
GAGL3 Galium glaucum waxy bedstraw L48 (I), CAN (I)
GAHU3 Galium humifusum spreading bedstraw L48 (I)
GAMO Galium mollugo false baby's breath L48 (I), CAN (I), GL (I)
GAMU4 Galium murale yellow wall bedstraw L48 (I)
GAOD3 Galium odoratum sweetscented bedstraw L48 (I), CAN (I)
GAPA5 Galium parisiense wall bedstraw L48 (I), CAN (I)
GAPO3 Galium ×pomeranicum L48 (I), CAN (N)
GARU Galium rubioides European bedstraw L48 (I)
GASA2 Galium saxatile heath bedstraw L48 (I), CAN (I), SPM (I)
GASC2 Galium schultesii Schultes' bedstraw L48 (I)
GASY Galium sylvaticum Scotch mist L48 (I), CAN (I)
GATR6 Galium tricornutum roughfruit corn bedstraw L48 (I), CAN (I)
GATR3 Galium triflorum fragrant bedstraw L48 (N), AK (N), CAN (N), GL (I?), SPM (N)
GAUL Galium uliginosum fen bedstraw GL (I)
GAVE5 Galium verrucosum warty bedstraw L48 (I)
GAVE Galium verum Yellow Spring bedstraw L48 (I), CAN (I), GL (I)
GAVEV Galium verum var. verum Yellow Spring bedstraw L48 (I), CAN (I), GL (I)
GAVEW2 Galium verum var. wirtgenii Wirtgen's bedstraw L48 (I), CAN (I)
GAGR4 Galphimia gracilis slender goldshower L48 (I), PR (I), VI (I)
GACO11 Gamochaeta coarctata gray everlasting L48 (I)
GAPE2 Gamochaeta pensylvanica Pennsylvania everlasting L48 (N), HI (I?)
GAPU3 Gamochaeta purpurea spoonleaf purple everlasting L48 (N), HI (I), CAN (N)
GASI5 Gamochaeta simplicicaulis simple-stem everlasting L48 (I)
GASP9 Gamochaeta sphacilata owl's crown L48 (I)
GADU3 Garcinia dulcis Gourka PR (I)
GAMA10 Garcinia mangostana mangosteen PR (I)
GAJA Gardenia jasminoides Cape jasmine PR (I)
GATA Gardenia taitensis Tahitian gardenia HI (I)
GAST3 Garnotia stricta blue lawngrass HI (I)
GAFA5 Garrya fadyenia Fadyen's silktassel VI (I)
GAPH2 Gastridium phleoides nit grass L48 (I), HI (I), CAN (N)
GAFR6 Gaudinia fragilis fragile oat L48 (I)
GALI4 Gazania linearis treasureflower L48 (I)
GEAE Genista aetnensis Mt. Etna broom L48 (I)
GECA16 Genista canariensis Canary broom L48 (I)
GELI5 Genista linifolia Mediterranean broom L48 (I)
GEMA10 Genista maderensis Madeira Dyer's greenweed L48 (I)
GEMO2 Genista monspessulana French broom L48 (I)
GEST9 Genista stenopetala leafy broom L48 (I)
GETI Genista tinctoria Dyer's greenweed L48 (I), CAN (I)
GECR6 Gentiana cruciata star gentian L48 (I)
GESE3 Gentiana septemfida crested gentian L48 (I)
GECO Geranium columbinum longstalk cranesbill L48 (I), CAN (I)
GEDI Geranium dissectum cutleaf geranium L48 (I), HI (I), CAN (I)
GEDI5 Geranium divaricatum fanleaf geranium L48 (I)
GEHO5 Geranium homeanum Australasian geranium L48 (I), HI (I)
GEIB Geranium ibericum Iberian geranium L48 (I)
GELU Geranium lucidum shining geranium L48 (I)
GEMO Geranium molle dovefoot geranium L48 (I), HI (I), CAN (I)
GEPA5 Geranium palmatum Canary Island geranium L48 (I)
GEPO Geranium potentilloides cinquefoil geranium L48 (I)
GEPR4 Geranium pratense meadow geranium L48 (I), CAN (I)
GEPU2 Geranium pusillum small geranium L48 (I), HI (I), CAN (I), GL (I)
GEPY Geranium pyrenaicum hedgerow geranium L48 (I), CAN (I)
GERE Geranium retrorsum New Zealand geranium L48 (I), HI (I)
GERO Geranium robertianum Robert geranium L48 (NI), AK (I), CAN (N), SPM (N)
GEROP Geranium robertianum ssp. purpureum L48 (I)
GEROR2 Geranium robertianum ssp. robertianum Robert geranium L48 (N), AK (I), CAN (N), SPM (N)
GERO3 Geranium rotundifolium roundleaf geranium L48 (I)
GESA2 Geranium sanguineum bloody geranium L48 (I), AK (I), CAN (I)
GESI2 Geranium sibiricum Siberian geranium L48 (I)
GESO Geranium solanderi Solander's geranium L48 (I)
GESY Geranium sylvaticum woodland geranium CAN (I), GL (I)
GETH3 Geranium thunbergii Thunberg's geranium L48 (I)
GEVE3 Geranium versicolor veiny geranium L48 (I)
GEJA Gerbera jamesonii Barberton daisy L48 (I)
GEUR Geum urbanum herb bennet L48 (I), CAN (I)
GIPE3 Gibasis pellucida dotted bridalveil L48 (I)
GICA5 Gilia capitata bluehead gilia L48 (N), AK (N), HI (I), CAN (I)
GICAC3 Gilia capitata ssp. capitata bluehead gilia L48 (N), AK (N), HI (I), CAN (I)
GIBI2 Ginkgo biloba maidenhair tree L48 (I)
GIPH Gisekia pharnacioides oldmaid L48 (I)
GLCO Gladiolus ×colvillei L48 (I)
GLCO2 Gladiolus communis cornflag L48 (I)
GLCOB Gladiolus communis ssp. byzantinus cornflag L48 (I)
GLCOC Gladiolus communis ssp. communis cornflag L48 (I)
GLGA2 Gladiolus ×gandavensis L48 (I)
GLIT Gladiolus italicus Italian gladiolus L48 (I)
GLPA3 Gladiolus papilio goldblotch gladiolus L48 (I)
GLTR2 Gladiolus tristis ever-flowering gladiolus L48 (I)
GLHI2 Glandularia hispida hispid mock vervain L48 (I)
GLHY Glandularia ×hybrida L48 (I)
GLIN Glandularia incisa crisped mock vervain L48 (I)
GLPE Glandularia peruviana Peruvian mock vervain L48 (I)
GLPU3 Glandularia pulchella South American mock vervain L48 (I), PR (I)
GLTE3 Glandularia tenera Latin American mock vervain L48 (I)
GLCO3 Glaucium corniculatum blackspot hornpoppy L48 (I)
GLFL Glaucium flavum yellow hornpoppy L48 (I), CAN (W)
GLCA5 Glebionis carinatum tricolor daisy L48 (I)
GLCO6 Glebionis coronarium crowndaisy L48 (I), CAN (W)
GLSE5 Glebionis segetum corndaisy L48 (I), AK (I), CAN (I)
GLHE2 Glechoma hederacea ground ivy L48 (I), AK (I), CAN (I)
GLLO Glinus lotoides lotus sweetjuice L48 (I)
GLSE2 Gliricidia sepium quickstick L48 (I), PR (I), VI (I)
GLPU6 Glochidion puberum needlebush L48 (I)
GLSU2 Gloriosa superba flame lily L48 (I)
GLDI Glossostigma diandrum mudmats L48 (I)
GLPE3 Gloxinia perennis Canterbury bells PR (I)
GLDE Glyceria declinata waxy mannagrass L48 (I), CAN (I)
GLFL2 Glyceria fluitans water mannagrass L48 (I), HI (I), CAN (I), SPM (I)
GLMA3 Glyceria maxima reed mannagrass L48 (I), CAN (I)
GLMA4 Glycine max soybean L48 (I), PR (I), CAN (W)
GLPA4 Glycosmis parviflora flower axistree L48 (I)
GLGL Glycyrrhiza glabra cultivated licorice L48 (I)
GMAS Gmelina asiatica Asian bushbeech HI (I), PR (I)
GNEX Gnaphalium exilifolium slender cudweed L48 (N), AK (I)
GNUL Gnaphalium uliginosum marsh cudweed L48 (I), AK (I), CAN (I), GL (I), SPM (I)
GOGL Gomphrena globosa common globe amaranth L48 (I), HI (I), PR (I), VI (I)
GOMA2 Gomphrena martiana globe amaranth L48 (I)
GOSE Gomphrena serrata arrasa con todo L48 (N), HI (I), PR (N), VI (I)
GOCH Gonocarpus chinensis Chinese raspwort L48 (I), HI (I)
GOCHV Gonocarpus chinensis ssp. verrucosus Chinese raspwort L48 (I), HI (I)
GOBA Gossypium barbadense Creole cotton HI (I), PR (I), VI (I)
GOHI Gossypium hirsutum upland cotton L48 (N), HI (I), PR (N), VI (N)
GOHIH2 Gossypium hirsutum var. hirsutum upland cotton L48 (N), HI (I), PR (N)
GRPI4 Graptophyllum pictum caricature-plant L48 (I)
GRBA Grevillea banksii kahiliflower HI (I)
GRRO Grevillea robusta silkoak L48 (I), HI (I), PR (I)
GRBI2 Grewia biloba bilobed grewia L48 (I)
GUAB Guizotia abyssinica ramtilla L48 (I), CAN (W)
GUTI Gunnera tinctoria Chilean gunnera L48 (I)
GYCO Gymnadenia conopsea fragrant orchid L48 (I)
GYAN Gymnostyles anthemifolia button burrweed L48 (I)
GYST Gymnostyles stolonifera carpet burrweed L48 (I)
GYAU Gynura aurantiaca velvetplant L48 (I)
GYAC Gypsophila acutifolia sharpleaf baby's-breath L48 (I)
GYCE Gypsophila cerastoides chickweed baby's-breath L48 (I)
GYEL Gypsophila elegans showy baby's-breath L48 (I), AK (I), CAN (W)
GYMU Gypsophila muralis low baby's-breath L48 (I), CAN (I)
GYOL Gypsophila oldhamiana Oldham's baby's-breath L48 (I)
GYPA Gypsophila paniculata baby's breath L48 (I), CAN (I)
GYPI Gypsophila pilosa Turkish baby's-breath L48 (I)
GYRE Gypsophila repens creeping baby's-breath L48 (I), CAN (I)
GYSC Gypsophila scorzonerifolia garden baby's-breath L48 (I), CAN (I)
Time Generated: 08/30/2009 07:45 PM MDT