News archive | SAHRA newsletter

February 20, 2009 - Jim Shuttleworth named UA Regents Professor

February 4, 2009 - Water Governance: The Public/Private Debate

December 2, 2008 - Kathy Jacobs appointed to National Academies Committee on America's Climate Choices

October 15, 2008 - SAHRA's 8th Annual Meeting to be held at Biosphere 2

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Micrometeorological tower at site BCM4 on Mt Bigelow. The tower is equipped to measure wind speed and direction, air temperature, infrared surface temperature, pressure, net radiation, humidity, soil temperature at surface and 6 depths, water content at 2 depths, snow depth. There is very little shading throughout the day at this site.    credit: SAHRA
We were contented to let things remain as the Great spirit made them. They were not, and would change the rivers ... if they did not suit them.
   - Chief Joseph

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SAHRA's mission is to identify critical stakeholder-relevant knowledge gaps and conduct basin-focused multidisciplinary research to fill them; and to convey what is known and what is being learned to improve water management and policy.

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SAHRA Website
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09 annual meeting
Research Macro-Theme Areas:

      » Basin-scale Water Balance
      » River Systems
      » Integrated Modeling

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Water for a Desert City
at the Phoenix Zoo

Arizona Wells Database
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Community-based rainfall monitoring network
Arizona Water
Your one-stop information center for water in Arizona.
Terrestrial Water Storage Dynamics in the Colorado River Basin
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Discovering Hydrology at Kartchner Caverns
Discovering Hydrology at Sabino Canyon
SAHRA Workgroups
Online Collaboration Center
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Isotopes & Hydrology
Information on applying isotopes to hydrologic studies
Residential Water
Residential water conservation and treatment information
Water Glossary
Browse water-related terms from A-Z
Current issue (September/October 2009):
CO2 Sequestration

Recent issue (July/August 2009):
Nitrates in Groundwater

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AFRICA - Lake Chad to Receive Water From Ubangui River, Commission Says

OCEANIA - Stormwater bottled for drinking

SOUTH AMERICA - Lake in Ice Field "disappears" for second time this year

UNITED STATES - EPA tightens limits on power plant water pollution

UNITED STATES - U. of U. researchers create device to test space station water

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Arizona Water Institute
The material in this Web site is based upon work supported by SAHRA under the STC Program of the National Science Foundation, Agreement No. EAR-9876800.
  ©2005 Arizona Board of Regents. Read Disclaimer.