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Lockout and Tagout

  1. Always lock or tag the energy sources to gear and equipment before you start to do maintenance or repairs on them. You may need to lockout or tagout something during construction, installation, adjustments, inspections, and modifications.
  2. Energy sources include electrical, hydraulic, and pneumatic. Some energy is potential, such as the energy stored in capacitors, compressed air or springs.
  3. Never remove or ignore locks or tags on machinery or circuits.
  4. Don't try to bypass lockouts or tagouts.
  5. Remember that tagouts are warnings only.
  6. Before you start to tag or lock something out, make sure that everyone affected knows what is going on.
  7. Locks and tags must be durable; readable if exposed to water or chemicals; easy to identify; standardized in shape and color; marked to identify who is using it.
  8. Know the six steps to de-energizing something and applying a lockout or tagout.
    • Understand the equipment and its energy source. Is there a checklist or written procedure?
    • Turn off the equipment.
    • Isolate all the sources of energy.
    • Apply the lock or tag.
    • Control any residual energy.
    • Verify your work.

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POC: Webmaster | Department: Webmaster |
Last revision: 8/5/09 | Last review:  8/5/09 | Approved by: Code 70 Director
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