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Defensive Driving

  • Know how to get where you're going. This will help you avoid being distracted by having to look for street names or hard-to-see landmarks.
  • Don't tailgate, and if someone is tailgating you, stay calm and let them pass.
  • Under good conditions, the two-second rule provides enough distance between cars. Increase this distance to three or four seconds when it is raining, snowing or foggy.
  • Many things can distract you while you drive. Pull over if you have to eat, talk on a cell phone, or write notes.
  • Watch out for other drivers who are weaving, going too fast or too slow and ignoring signals. If someone like this is behind you, turn off as soon as you can and let them move on.
  • If you have to turn, get in the correct lane well in advance; don't wait until the last minute.
  • Always use your turn signals in traffic and when getting on or off a highway.
  • When passing, check your mirrors but don't trust them entirely-look over your shoulder, too.
  • Be patient. Leave a little early so you aren't in a hurry.
  • Don't get emotional. Driving somewhere is a neutral task like anything else. The goal is to arrive safely. Idiot drivers are a hazard, but don't take them personally.

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