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Carbon Monoxide

  1. Have a qualified technician inspect your heating system and hot water heater before the heating season begins. If you buy an older house or rent an apartment or home, have the system checked.
  2. Buy heating and cooking equipment approved by an independent testing laboratory.
  3. If you live in base housing and use supplemental heaters, make sure they are permitted.
  4. Read the manufacturer's warning about ventilation. Have them inspected by a qualified technician every year.
  5. Never use a hibachi or barbecue grill inside a home or garage.
  6. Ensure the flue is clear before lighting your fireplace.
  7. Never leave your car or truck running in the garage. Do not assume opening the garage door will let in enough fresh air. When you start your car or truck, drive it outside immediately. When you return, turn the motor off when you stop. If you suspect there is an exhaust leak, get it fixed right away.
  8. Install a carbon monoxide detector inside your home to provide early warning. These devices sound an alarm when the concentration of CO in the air corresponds to a level of poisoning still so low that people do not become sick. Follow manufacturer's recommendations for correct placement. Test the device every month and replace the detector or battery as recommended, generally every two years.
  9. If you ever think you are experiencing CO poisoning, get into fresh air immediately. Open doors and windows. Call for help or go to an emergency room. Don't wait.

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