
Roundabouts are circular intersections. Roundabouts reduce traffic conflicts (for example, left turns) that are frequent causes of crashes at traditional intersections. Unlike a traffic circle or a rotary, a roundabout's incoming traffic yields to the circulating traffic.

Crash Types & Causes

  • Roundabout Fact Sheet, FHWA, CRT, Corporate Research & Technology
    Roundabouts are a proven safety solution that prevent and reduce the severity of intersection crashes. Roundabouts are designed to meet the needs of all road users—drivers, pedestrians, pedestrians with disabilities, and bicyclists. A roundabout eliminates some of the conflicting traffic, such as left turns, which cause crashes at traditional intersections. Because roundabout traffic enters or exits only through right turns, the occurrence of severe crashes is substantially reduced.

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Technical Implementation & Tools

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Active Projects

  • Investigation and Mitigation of Driver Confusion at Modern Roundabouts
    The objectives of this research include: (1) identification of user issues and confusing elements of roundabouts via surveys and development of mitigation measures for safer usage of arterial roundabouts in Nebraska; and (2) development of a criteria matrix for arterial intersections that NDOR can use to check the candidacy of intersections for conversion to single-or multi-lane roundabouts.
    Start date: 2006/7/1; End date: 2008/6/30; Status: Active
    Contract/Grant Number: P598
    Source Organization: Nebraska Department of Roads

  • Update of Roundabouts: An Informational Guide
    Many developments have taken place since publication of the FHWA’s Roundabouts: An Informational Guide in 2000. Ongoing research (particularly NCHRP Project 3-65, Applying Roundabouts in the United States) will enhance guidelines on operational analysis, design characteristics, and safety analysis of roundabouts. Considering that the Guide has become an authoritative national publication, it would be of great benefit to update this Guide after critically reviewing available information. Furthermore, incorporating new research on non-motorized users will contribute significantly to improving roundabout applications for pedestrians, bicyclists, and users with special needs (visual and other physical impairments). Some of the areas where revisions might be considered are geometric design (including triple-lane roundabouts); intersection sight distance; speed estimations; lane markings, signing, and other traffic control devices; construction and maintenance; safer accommodations of pedestrians; safety evaluation; access management considerations; applications at ramp terminals or interchanges; and mini-roundabouts. The objective of this project is to develop a new national guide for development and operation of roundabouts based on the FHWA publication Roundabouts: An Informational Guide, (FHWA-RD-00-067).
    Start date: 2006/10/12; Status: Proposed
    Source Organization: National Cooperative Highway Research Program

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Program Contact

Davey Warren


What's New

FHWA Guidance Memo Contains Provisions to Improve Intersection Safety

Presentation: Safety at Unsignalized Intersections

Presentation: Safety Aspects of Roundabouts

Presentation: Unsignalized Intersection Safety Strategies (NCHRP Report 500, Vol. 5)

Presentation: Signalized Intersection Safety Strategies (NCHRP Report 500, Vol. 12)


Presentation: Safety at Signalized Intersections

Presentation: Red Light Running

Strategic Intersection Safety Program Guide