United States Senator Jay Rockefeller for West Virginia
Offices : BeckleyCharlestonFairmontMartinsburgWashington, DC E-mail Senator Rockefeller

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Promoting & Protecting Trade

Senator Rockefeller has consistently fought for fair trade laws that would level the playing field for West Virginia and crack down on unfair foreign trade practices. He believes that West Virginia businesses can compete in the global marketplace when the playing field is fair. He has opposed trade agreements like NAFTA and CAFTA because they did not contain enforceable labor and environmental standards, and did not have a direct positive affect on West Virginia jobs.

To fight the flood of steel imports that were damaging West Virginia's steel industry, Rockefeller was instrumental in getting the Bush Administration to conduct a Section 201 investigation into illegal dumping. The International Trade Commission and the Bush Administration eventually supported Rockefeller's efforts and imposed tariffs on a significant amount of imported steel products. These section 201 tariffs played a critical role in giving our domestic steel industry the time it needed to recover and restructure.

Most recently, Rockefeller introduced comprehensive new trade legislation that will close some of the existing loopholes in our trade laws and give our businesses and workers a fair chance to compete. Specifically, Rockefeller's Strengthening America's Trade Laws Act will tighten the rules in anti-dumping and countervailing duty cases, making it harder for companies overseas to illegally subsidize their exports and dump illegally underpriced products on U.S. markets.