NASA: National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationEarth Observatory

First Landsat-7 Image

Posted April 26, 1999
First Landsat-7 Image

The first scene from Landsat 7 was acquired on Sunday, April 18. The scene includes the Sioux Falls and Yankton areas.

Data reception at the EROS Data Center marks an important new responsibility for the staff at the Center and completes the original plan for locating the facility in the Sioux Falls area. For the first time in the 26 year history of the Center, direct reception from the Landsat system will be a reality.

In addition to the data reception capability, Center staff will be responsible for archiving the data, distributing data sets to scientists, resource managers, and educators world wide. As many as 250 scenes a day will be processed and archived at the Center. Center staff will also coordinate data reception and distribution from International Ground stations around the world.

Image courtesy EROS Data Center

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