National Personnel Records Center, St. Louis

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Medical Treatment Records of Dependents, Military Retirees, and Others
(created at military medical facilities)

Retirees. NPRC stores records of inpatient, outpatient, dental, and mental health treatment provided to military retirees. These records reflect health care for former members during their retirement years and do NOT include active duty medical records. Some record collections date from the 1940's and 1950's, but more comprehensive information exists beginning in the 1960's. The retiree records are sent to NPRC (MPR) from facilities of all military services generally after 1-5 years of inactivity and are retained for 50 years from the year of last patient activity. Prior to 2003 the Army, Navy and Air Force retired their retiree records to NPRC (MPR). Beginning in 2003 the Army and Navy retired their retiree records to NPRC (MPR), but the Air Force began retiring their retiree records to NPRC (CPR). If possible, contact the last medical treatment facility to determine if records have been retired to NPRC before sending a request.

Dependents and others.

    Navy: NPRC (MPR) stores records of inpatient, outpatient, dental, and mental health created at medical treatment facilities of the U.S. Navy. Some record collections date from the 1940's and 1950's, but more comprehensive information exists beginning in the 1960's. These Navy medical records are sent to NPRC (MPR) generally after 1-5 years of inactivity and are retained 50 years from the year of last patient activity. If possible, contact the last medical treatment facility to determine if records have been retired to NPRC (MPR) before sending a request.

    Army and Air Force: Medical records of individuals treated at Army and Air Force medical facilities are stored at two separate locations within the National Personnel Records Center. Prior to 2003, the Army and Air Force retired medical records of this type to NPRC (CPR). See NPRC (CPR), Dependent Medical Folders, for complete information and requesting procedures concerning medical records retired prior to 2003. Beginning in 2003 NPRC (CPR) continued to receive Air Force Dependent Medical records, but the Army began retiring their medical records for dependents and others to NPRC (MPR). If possible, contact the last medical treatment facility to determine if records have been retired to NPRC (MPR) before sending a request.  Requests can be submitted using
NA Form 13042, Request for Information Needed to Locate Medical Records.

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