Economic Recovery Plan

Download the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Resource GuideThe American Recovery and Reinvestment Act provides funding for job-creating projects in Nevada and across the country. I  put together a Resource Guide to the ARRA so that Nevadans can compete for these federal stimulus funds.  

Nevada's Economic Recovery Projects

Please use the links below to learn more about how to access this funding.


Name of Agency
Agency Recovery Site
Department of Agriculture (USDA) View Site
Department of Commerce (DOC) View Site
Department of the Interior (DOI) View Site
Department of Labor (DOL) View Site
Department of State (DOS) View Site
Social Security Administration (SSA) View Site
Smithsonian Institution (SI)  
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) View Site
National Science Foundation (NSF) View Site
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) View Site
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) View Site
Department of Transportation (DOT) View Site
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) View Site
Small Business Administration (SBA) View Site
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) View Site
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) View Site
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) View Site
Department of Energy (DOE) View Site
Department of Education (ED) View Site
Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) View Site
Agency for International Development (USAID) View Site
Department of Defense (DOD) View Site
Department of Justice (DOJ) View Site
Department of Treasury (TREAS) View Site

Delivering for Nevada

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is one of the largest pieces of legislation of the 21st century.  Through programs funded in the act roads will be built, families will receive aid, and Nevadans will be put to work.  Here is a list of some of the projects funded by the ARRA in Nevada.

$3 Million - Health Center Capital Improvement Program ( Washoe and Carson City, NV)

$1.2 Million - Carson City and Reno/Tahoe International Airport (Carson City and Reno, NV)

$500,000 - Abandoned Mine Restoration (White Pine County, NV)

$52 Million - Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation (Statewide)

$37 Million - Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program / Nevada Housing Division (Statewide)

$225 Million - Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds / Recovery Zone Facility Bonds (Counties: Carson City, Douglas, Esmeralda, Humboldt, Nye, Story, Washoe, NV; Cities: Reno, NV)

$33.6 Million - Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada (Las Vegas and Henderson , NV)

$25.6 Million - Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation (Statewide)

$1.5 Million - Nevada Network Against Domestic Violence (Reno, NV)

$7 Million (plus an additional 3.9 million for NV and CA) - Nevada Division of Forestry / Wildland Fire Management (Carson City, NV)

$85,000; $18.2 Million - Nevada Bureau of Land Management / National Park Lands (Great Basin National Park; Lake Mead National Recreation Area)

$1 Million – Emergency Food and Shelter Program (Las Vegas, NV)

$5 Million - Community Services Block Grant (Carson City Health & Human Services, Churchill County Social Services, Community Services Agency of Washoe County, Consolidated Agencies of Human Services  of Mineral and Esmeralda Counties, Douglas County Social Services, Frontier Community Action Agency of Elko, Lander, Humboldt, and Pershing Counties, Lander County Social Services, Las Vegas-Clark County Urban League, Lincoln County Human Services, Lyon County Human Services, Nye County Social Services, and White Pine Social Services)

$1.73 Million; $ 1.266 Million – Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (EPA) - Diesel Emissions Reduction Act Program; Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund Program (Carson City, NV)

$1 Million- Health Access Washoe County (Reno, NV)

$500,000 – Nevada Health Centers, Inc. (Carson City, NV)

$7.8 Million- North Las Vegas Airport (North Las Vegas, NV)

$9 Million- Carson City Airport (Carson City, NV)

$22 Million- Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program (Carson City, Elko and Las Vegas, NV)

$44 Million- National Nuclear Security Administration (Nevada Test Site -Outside Las Vegas, NV)

$32 Million - Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program (NV State Energy Office; Cities: Boulder City, Carson City, Elko, Fernley, Henderson, Las Vegas, Mesquite, N. Las Vegas, Reno, Sparks, NV; Counties: Churchill, Clark, Douglas, Elko, Humboldt, Lyon, Nye, Pershing, Washoe, White Pine, NV)

$10 Million (plus $3.7 million for weatherization work) - Nevada Housing Division (Local Municipalities, NV)

$9.1 Million- Fallon Naval Air Station (Fallon, NV)

$3.1 Million- Hawthorne Army Depot for Geothermal Energy (Hawthorne, NV)

$2 Million- Reno-Tahoe International Airport (Reno, NV)

$1 Million- Boulder City Airport (Boulder City, NV)

$13 Million- Nellis Air Force Base (Las Vegas, NV)

$5.5 Million- Reno Veterans Administration Hospital (Reno, NV)

$1 Million- Hawthorne Army Depot’s Family Housing Area (Hawthorne, NV)

$72 million - Neighborhood Stabilization Program (Statewide; Cities: Las Vegas, N. Las Vegas, and Henderson, NV)


June 30: Reid Announces More than $3 Million in Economic Recovery Funding for Health Facilities in Reno and Carson City

"Nevada Senator Harry Reid today announced more than $3 million from the economic recovery package will be going to Health Access Washoe County in Reno and Nevada Health Centers in Carson City to address immediate and pressing health center and equipment needs.  The grants of more than $1 million for Reno and more than $2 million for Carson City, respectively, will pay for construction, repair, and renovation of the facilities and will allow the purchase of cutting edge health information technology systems." [Reid Press Release, 6/30/09]

June 25:  Reid Announces Over $1.2 Million in Economic Recovery Funding for Airport Rehabilitation

"Nevada Senator Harry Reid today announced over 1.2 million dollars from the economic recovery package for airport rehabilitation in Carson City and Reno/Tahoe International Airport.  This funding is being released from the Federal Aviation Administration and the Federal Transit Authority, and will go towards rehabilitating the runway and taxiway in Carson City and the apron at Reno/Tahoe International." [Reid Press Release, 6/25/09]

June 23: Reid Announces $500,000 in Economic Recovery Funding for White Pine County

"Nevada Senator Harry Reid today announced half a million dollars from the economic recovery package for abandoned mine clean-up in White Pine County.  This funding is being released from the Department of Agriculture.  Restoring these old mine sites will create local jobs, improve local watersheds, safeguard wildlife habitat and close unsafe areas." [Reid Press Release 6/23/09]

June 23: Reid Delivers Addition $52 Million in Unemployment Funding for Nevada

"Nevada Senator Harry Reid announced $52 million in additional unemployment insurance funding made available through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The money, distributed by the Department of Labor, is in addition to the $25 million that Nevada received earlier this month." [Reid Press Release, 6/23/09]

June 19: Reid Delivers Millions for Energy Efficiency Jobs

"Nevada Senator Harry Reid today delivered more economic recovery act funding that will total more than $37 million to put Nevadans to work on major energy efficiency projects throughout the state. It will also save money on heating and cooling bills for families." [Reid Press Release, 6/19/09]

June 12: Reid Announces $225 Million for Nevada From Economic Recovery Package

"Nevada Senator Harry Reid announced today that $225 million in bond authority has been made available for eight counties in northern and rural Nevada through the economic recovery package.  These Recovery Zone Bonds are targeted to areas suffering from significant job loss and are designed to help local governments obtain financing for economic development projects that will create jobs and help revive our economy." [Reid Press Release, 6/12/09]

June 10: Reid Delivers More Than $33 Million for Transportation, Jobs In Southern Nevada

"Nevada Senator Harry Reid today announced more than $33 million in economic recovery funding to assist three major transportation products in southern Nevada. The funding will be used by the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada for the ACE Green Line on Boulder Highway, Centennial Hills Transit Center Park & Ride and Central City Intermodal Transportation Terminal. These projects will bring jobs to southern Nevada while improving our mass transit systems and easing commutes for drivers." [Reid Press Release, 6/10/09; Las Vegas Sun, 5/6/09

  • Central City Intermodal Transportation Terminal ($5,538,371)
  • Centennial Hills Transit Center Park & Ride ($8,873,350)
  • ACE Green Line on Boulder Highway ($19,329,930)

June 5: Reid Discuses $25 Million of New Unemployment Funding for Nevada

"Nevada Senator Harry Reid and Representatives Shelley Berkley and Dina Titus today announced more than $25 million in additional unemployment insurance funds acquired through the economic recovery package. The money is now approved for release by the Department of Labor. The delegation members worked to include this important assistance for the Silver State, and Nevada qualified for the unemployment insurance modernization incentive money through a recent change to state law that allows workers to use their more recent earnings to become eligible for benefits.
The money can be used for basic unemployment benefits or for administrative costs of the program if specifically provided for by the state." [Reid Press Release, 6/5/09; Departmentof Labor's Press Release, 6/5/09; KNXT News Radio, 6/8/09]

May 19: Reid Announced $1.5 Million To Combat Domestic Violence In Nevada

“Nevada Senator Harry Reid today announced nearly $1.5 million in economic recovery act funding to create jobs helping respond to and prevent domestic violence in the Silver State. Funded through the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) of the Department of Justice, the money will assist communities in their efforts to hire and retain criminal justice and victim services personnel that respond to violent crimes against women as a way to develop and strengthen effective law enforcement, prosecution strategies, and victim services in cases involving violent crimes against women.” [Reid Press Release, 5/19/06]

May 6: Reid Announced More Than $7 Million To Fight Wildfires In Nevada Plus Nearly $4 Million For Projects Benefiting Both Nevada And California

“Nevada Senator Harry Reid today announced major funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that will be dedicated to preventing and fighting wildfires in Nevada … Nevada projects that will receive funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act include:

  • Nevada Invasive Fuels Eradication in Washoe and Lyon Counties- $2,243,000.00  
  • Restoration from the 2007 Hawken Fire - $718,000.00  
  • Carson River Stream bank Stabilization - $628,000.00  
  • Restoration from the 2006 Peavine Fire- $583,000.00  
  • Washoe County Open Space Fuels Reduction-$249,000.00   
  • Pepperweed Control and Fuels Reduction- $763,000.00  
  • Restoration from the Belli Fire- $538,000.00  
  • Restoration from the Rancho Haven/Red Rock Fire- $449,000.00  
  • Restoration from the Arrowcreek and Skinner Fires- $1,077,000.00  
  • Truckee River Riparian Fuels Reduction- $269,000.00  
  • Nevada Urban Forest Revitalization- $314,000.00

An additional $3.9 million will be spent on projects that benefit both Nevada and California.” [Reid Press Release, 5/6/09; Reno Gazette Journal, 6/5/09]

April 24: Reid Announced More Than $18 Million For Nevada National Park Lands

“Nevada Senator Harry Reid today announced the release of more than $18 million in funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act for improvement projects at Great Basin National Park and the Lake Mead National Recreation Area. Great Basin National Park will receive $85,000 to repair damage to Timber Creek Trail, and for repairs to the Wheeler Peak Trail resulting in greater accessibility. Lake Mead National Recreation Area will receive $18.2 million for a variety of projects. Solar energy panels will be installed at the park’s warehouse complex; and the preservation and rehabilitation of roads and shoreline will ensure Lake Mead is accessible for generations to come.” [Reid Press Release, 4/24/09]

April 22: Reid Announced More Than $1 Million To Help Struggling Nevadans

“Nevada Senator Harry Reid today announced more than $1 million in economic recovery finding through the Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). EFSP funds can be used for a broad range of services, including: mass shelter; mass feeding; food distribution through food pantries and food banks; one-month assistance with rent; mortgage and utility payments to prevent evictions; and transition assistance from shelters to stable living conditions.” [Reid Press Release, 4/22/09]

April 22: Reid Announces Grant Benefiting Nevada Families

"Nevada Senator Harry Reid today announced that Nevada will receive a funding boost of $5 million over the next two years from the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG). Funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the new resources will be used by the state and partner community organizations to help low-income families in Nevada. Direct assistance provided with the block grant include one-time rental and utility payments, food and clothing vouchers, job training, child care, and medical care for children. With the economic downturn hurting an increasing number of Nevadans, the extra recovery funding will be used to help our communities meet the growing need for these services." [Reid Press Release, 4/21/09]

April 9: Reid Announced More Than $3 Million For Clean Diesel Programs, Cleanup Of Petroleum Leaks

“Nevada Senator Harry Reid today announced $3 million in economic recovery funding from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for green efforts in the state. Nevada will receive $1.73 million for clean diesel programs. The funding can be used to support clean diesel projects and loan programs to address the nation’s existing fleet of over 11 million diesel engines. Another $1.26 million is allocated to the state to assess and clean up petroleum leaks from underground storage tanks.” [Reid Press Release, 4/9/09; Nevada Appeal, 4/29/09]

April 8: Reid Announced $1.4 Million For Community Health Centers In Reno And Carson City

“This funding will improve health care in northern Nevada. The Increased Demand for Services (IDS) grants will be used to expand services offered at community health centers. Two Nevada facilities will obtain funding as part of the grant program: Health Access Washoe County in Reno will get nearly $1 million and Nevada Health Centers, Inc., in Carson City will receive nearly $500,000.” [Reid Press Release, 4/8/09; The Fernley Leader, 4/29/09]

April 2: Reid Announced Nearly $17 Million For Carson City, North Las Vegas Airports

“Nevada Senator Harry Reid secured through the recently passed economic recovery package nearly $17 million in funding for important upgrades at North Las Vegas and Carson City Airports. The North Las Vegas Airport will undergo safety work to relocate power lines in the vicinity of the facility, and the project will be funded with $7.8 million. The Carson City Airport will receive $9 million for work to rehabilitate, lengthen and realign the runway in order to accommodate larger aircraft. Both projects will result in jobs for Nevadans that need them.” [Reid Press Release, 4/2/09]

April 2: Reid Announced $22 Million For Rural Nevada Guaranteed Housing Loans

“More than $22 million in guaranteed housing loans for rural Nevada is on its way to the Silver State, Nevada Senator Harry Reid announced today. Reid helped bring the funding to Nevada as part of the recently passed economic recovery package. The money is managed through the Department of Agriculture’s Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program, which is intended to finance new or improved housing for very low- to moderate-income families and individuals in rural areas.” [Reid Press Release, 4/2/09]

March 31: Reid Announced $44 Million In Funding To Clean Up The Nevada Test Site

“Nevada Senator Harry Reid today announced the release of $44 million in funding through the economic recovery package to clean up the Nevada Test Site (NTS.)  Reid, the Senate Majority Leader, led the passage of this legislation to address critical needs in Nevada and create jobs for unemployed Nevadans.” [Reid Press Release, 3/31/09; The Lincoln County Record, 3/31/09]

March 26: Reid Announced More Than $32 Million In Job-Creating Energy Efficiency Funding

“Energy efficiency projects that will save money for families and create jobs for workers received a major boost from Nevada Senator Harry Reid, who secured funding for the efforts through the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program. Projects benefiting areas throughout the state will receive more than $32 million to put Nevadans to work inspecting buildings for energy inefficiency and performing retrofitting work to make them more efficient. There will also be projects developing and installing on-site renewable energy for government buildings, and making transportation improvements like synchronizing traffic signals and creating bike lanes, pathways and pedestrian walkways.” [Reid Press Release, 3/26/09; Las Vegas Review Journal Capital Bureau, 4/23/09]

March 26: Reid Announced More Than $30 Million In Housing, Transportation, Energy Funding

“Nevada Senator Harry Reid today announced stimulus funding totaling more than $30 million to help a variety of important efforts in housing, clean energy, energy efficiency and transportation. A number of these projects will create jobs for Nevadans.”

Housing: “More than $10 million will go to help make vital improvements to public housing units in Nevada. The funds will be distributed through local municipalities. The Nevada Housing Division will also receive $3.7 million for weatherization work that will increase the energy efficiency of homes and business, as well as put Nevadans in jobs by training them to perform this work.”

Energy: “More funding for clean energy improvements will go to Fallon Naval Air Station and Hawthorne Army Depot for geothermal energy. Fallon will receive $9.1 million for geothermal energy development and Hawthorne gets $3.1 million for geothermal test wells.”

Transportation: “Construction jobs will be created through rehabilitation work slated for Reno-Tahoe International Airport and Boulder City Airport. More than $2 million will go to Reno to work on the airport apron and more than $1 million is slated to improve the runway in Boulder City.” [Reid Press Release, 3/26/09]

March 20: Reid Announced $20 Million For Improvements at Nevada Military And Veterans Installations

“Nevada Senator Harry Reid obtained nearly $20 million in economic recovery funding for construction of important improvements to Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas, Reno’s Veterans Administration (VA) hospital and Hawthorne Army Depot. The construction projects will create desperately needed jobs for Nevadans who are suffering from a 25-year-high unemployment rate of 10.1 percent. More than $13 million will be dedicated to construction of a new Child Development Center at Nellis AFB. In Reno, more than $5.5 million is slated to make vital repairs and improvements to the VA hospital serving northern Nevada’s veterans. Hawthorne Army Depot’s family housing area will benefit from a new water main, a project of nearly $1 million.” [Reid Press Release, 3/20/09]

March 19: Reid Announced More Than $72 Million In Foreclosure Assistance Grants For Nevada

“Nevada Senator Harry Reid today announced the release by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) of more than $72 million in federal grants to help fight the devastating effects of foreclosure on our state. The state will receive more than $24 million and Clark County will take in more than $22 million. The cities of Las Vegas ($14.7 million,) North Las Vegas ($6.8 million) and Henderson ($3.2 million) will also be given a major boost. Created through the Housing and Economic Recovery Act supported last year by Reid, the Neighborhood Stabilization Program provides state and local governments with money to acquire and develop foreclosed properties that might otherwise become abandoned or blighted. The funds can also be used to help low- and moderate-income homebuyers pay their down payment or closing costs.” [Reid Press Release, 3/19/09]



Bruce R. Thompson
Courthouse & Federal Bldg
400 S. Virginia St, Suite 902
Reno, NV 89501
Phone: 775-686-5750
Fax: 775-686-5757

Washington DC

522 Hart Senate Office Bldg
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-3542
Fax: 202-224-7327
Toll Free for Nevadans:
1-866-SEN-REID (736-7343)

Carson City

600 East William St, #302
Carson City, NV 89701
Phone: 775-882-REID (7343)
Fax: 775-883-1980

Las Vegas

Lloyd D. George Building
333 Las Vegas Boulevard
South, Suite 8016
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Phone: 702-388-5020
Fax: 702-388-5030

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