Encourage your members to talk about CAM.

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Did you know that almost two-thirds of people aged 50 and older are using some form of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)? According to a recent survey*, less than one-third of those people talk with their providers about CAM use. More»

* 2007 Survey by AARP and NCCAM

What is complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)?

CAM is a group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and products that are not presently considered to be part of conventional medicine. CAM includes such products and practices as herbal supplements, meditation, chiropractic manipulation, and acupuncture. More»

Why is it so important to Ask and Tell?

To ensure safe, coordinated care among all conventional and CAM therapies, it's time to talk. Open discussion between health care providers and their patients not only allows fully integrated care, but it also minimizes risks of interactions with a patient's conventional treatments. Man reading material.When patients tell their providers about their CAM use, they can better stay in control and more effectively manage their health. When providers ask their patients about CAM use, they can ensure that they are fully informed and can help patients make the wisest health care decisions possible.

How can my organization get involved?
