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Chronology of Committee Work

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Monday, September 24, 2007

White House Approved Lobbying Effort to Block Approval of California Vehicle Standards

Internal e-mails show that Transportation Secretary Mary Peters personally directed a behind-the-scenes lobbying campaign approved by the White House to oppose EPA approval of California’s landmark standards reducing greenhouse gas emissions from motor vehicles.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Committee Issues Subpoenas to State Department

After the State Department failed to meet a deadline for providing documents and making witnesses available, Chairman Waxman issued four subpoenas, including one for documents and three for depositions of State Department officials, regarding the Committee's investigation into corruption in Iraq.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Members Raise Concerns about EPA’s Screening Program for Endocrine Disruptors

Today Chairman Waxman, along with Reps. Davis, Cummings, Van Hollen, Norton, Gilchrest, and Moran, wrote to EPA Administrator Johnson expressing concerns about EPA’s failure to implement a screening program for endocrine disruptors, as required by law.  Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that interfere with important hormonal and developmental processes, causing reproductive and other harms to humans and other species. EPA’s efforts to protect the American public from dangerous endocrine-disrupting chemicals have been characterized by missed deadlines, prolonged delays, and inadequate incorporation of public input. 

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Committee Invites Blackwater Chairman to Testify

Chairman Waxman has asked Erik Prince, Chairman of the Prince Group and Blackwater USA, to testify before the Oversight Committee on October 2, 2007, regarding the mission and performance of Blackwater and its affiliated companies in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Chairman Waxman Reiterates Request for Information from State Department about Corruption in Iraq

After receiving an insufficient response from the State Department, Chairman Waxman reiterates his request that Secretary Rice make available information pertaining to the Committee’s investigation into corruption in Iraq. Following an initial review of documents at the State Department, the Committee requests that State provide copies of reports prepared by the Office of Accountability and Transparency (OAT) relating to the Iraqi Commission on Public Integrity and that OAT officials be made available for the Committee to interview.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Committee Approves Several Bills at Business Meeting

This morning at 10 a.m., the full committee approved H.R. 1236, which gives the Postal Service permanent authority to issue a postage stamp supporting breast cancer research; H.R. 1110, which amends the Internal Revenue Code to allow federal civilian and military retirees to pay health insurance premiums on a pretax basis; and several postal naming and commemorative resolutions.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Chairmen Waxman and Miller Raise Concerns Over Potential Risk of Popcorn Fumes

Chairmen Waxman and Miller request information about the potential health risks of diacetyl, an artificial butter flavoring used in microwave popcorn and other foods, which can cause severe lung disease in workers and may also pose serious health risks to consumers.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

EPA Approves New Coal-Fired Power Plant Without CO2 Controls

The Environmental Protection Agency has ignored the recent Supreme Court decision that CO2 is an air pollutant under the federal Clean Air Act and approved a permit for a new coal-fired power plant without regulating its CO2 emissions or considering the impact of the new power plant on global warming.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Questions Raised about the Conduct of the State Department Inspector General

According to seven current and former officials, State Department Inspector General Howard Krongard has repeatedly interfered with on-going investigations to protect the State Department and the White House from political embarrassment.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Chairman Waxman’s Statement on Blackwater USA Controversy

Chairman Henry A. Waxman released a statement this afternoon following the press accounts that Iraq had revoked the license of U.S. contractor Blackwater.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Chairman Waxman Responds to Davis’s Request

Chairman Waxman sent a letter to Ranking Minority Member Tom Davis responding to his request that the Committee ask the National Archives for records of the Clinton Administration.

Monday, September 10, 2007

GAO Report Reveals Serious Shortcomings in National Strategy to Counter Pandemic Influenza

Chairman Waxman, along with Rep. Tom Davis, Rep. Bennie Thompson, and Sen. Judd Gregg, release a new GAO report revealing serious shortcomings in the nation’s pandemic preparedness.

Friday, September 07, 2007

GAO Find President's 2005 Social Security Tour Cost Taxpayers Millions

After long delays, due in part to the refusal of the White House to cooperate, today Chairman Waxman released a GAO report assessing the costs to taxpayers of a 2005 White House initiative to support the President’s efforts to privatize Social Security.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Chairman Waxman Questions Interior Department’s Failure to Comply with Energy Policy Act

Chairman Waxman writes to Secretary Kempthorne to question the Department of Interior’s refusal to comply with the Energy Policy Act of 2005 requirement to study the effects of coal bed natural gas production on surface and ground water resources in six western states, and to insist that the Department comply with the law.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Committee Requests Information on Reports of Lost White House E-mails

Chairman Waxman wrote to request information from the White House Office of Administration about reports that millions of e-mails that may have been lost from the White House e-mail system.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Chairman Waxman Raises Concerns About NTP Contracting Report

In a letter to Dr. John Bucher, Associate Director of the National Toxicology Program (NTP), Chairman Waxman raises concerns over an agency analysis of potential conflicts of interest in current NTP contracts.  Noting that analysis relied on self-certifications by contractors, Chairman Waxman requests copies of the contractors’ full responses and the agency's plan for conducting an objective assessment of conflicts of interest that does not rely on self-certification.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Chairman Waxman Requests Documents Regarding ATSDR’s “Health Consultation” on Formaldehyde Levels in FEMA Trailers

Chairman Waxman requested documents from the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) regarding the “health consultation” it provided to FEMA on formaldehyde levels in tested trailers. The ATSDR consultation ignored established safety recommendations for formaldehyde exposure and downplayed the health risks posed by the formaldehyde levels in the tested trailers. ATSDR recently changed course by acknowledging that the tested FEMA trailers had formaldehyde levels that can adversely affect human health.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Committee Asks Agencies about White House “Asset Deployment” Meetings

Chairman Waxman writes to federal agencies requesting documents about their involvement in White House “asset deployment” meetings held to discuss the use of federal resources to promote the reelection of President Bush and Republicans in Congress.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Committee Requests Information on Drug Testing Policies at TNA Entertainment

Chairman Waxman and Ranking Member Davis request information regarding the drug testing policies of TNA Entertainment.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

GAO Finds Problems with Defense Department Contract in Iraq

Chairman Waxman releases a GAO report analyzing the Defense Department’s decision to pay KBR nearly all of the $221 million in costs that the Defense Contract Audit Agency questioned during its audits of the Restore Iraqi Oil contract for reconstruction work on Iraq’s oil infrastructure. The report finds multiple violations of federal acquisition regulations and procedures, placing millions of taxpayer dollars at risk and leaving questions unanswered.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Department of Justice Responds to Chairman Waxman Regarding Political Briefings

The Department of Justice responds to Chairman Waxman’s inquiry about political briefings the White House gave to executive agency officials. DOJ has identified 11 White House briefings provided to Department of Justice officials by the Office of Political Affairs, most of which included political updates.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

House Passes Carbon-Neutral Government Legislation

On August 4, 2007, the House passed H.R.3221, the “New Direction for Energy Independence, National Security, and Consumer Protection Act,” by a vote of 241-172. The legislation incorporates various legislative initiatives for energy independence and reducing global warming, including the Carbon-Neutral Government Act of 2007 (H.R. 2635).

Friday, August 03, 2007

Rep. Waxman Introduces H.R. 3448, The Global Climate and Ozone Layer Protection Act of 2007

Rep. Waxman introduced H.R. 3448, the “Global Climate and Ozone Layer Protection Act of 2007.” This consensus legislation, which is supported by both industry and environmentalists, will significantly reduce emissions of substances that deplete the ozone layer and contribute to global warming.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Reps. Waxman and Capps Introduce H.R.3447, the Surgeon General Independence Act

Today Reps. Waxman and Capps introduced legislation to protect the Surgeon General from political interference. The Surgeon General Independence Act (H.R.3447) clarifies that the Surgeon General’s work must be guided by the best available public health science, provides budget autonomy for the Surgeon General's Office, stipulates that a Surgeon General can only be removed from office with good reason, and protects future Surgeon General Reports and Calls to Action from interference by only allowing the Secretary of Health and Human Services the authority to block publication.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Chairman Waxman Requests Documents Regarding Controversial Clean Air Act Rulemaking

Chairman Waxman wrote to EPA Administrator Johnson to request documents concerning a proposed controversial change to regulations under the Clean Air Act which would weaken existing protections for many national parks and other areas with pristine air quality.   Chairman Waxman also requested a 60 day extension of the public comment period, which is scheduled to end August 6, 2007. 

Displaying Items 376 to 400 of 1458:

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