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Chronology of Committee Work

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Monday, January 14, 2002

Letter to Card, Lindsey, and White Seeking Information about Enron Contacts

Rep. Waxman writes to White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card, White House Assistant for Economic Affairs Larry Lindsey, and Secretary of the Army Thomas White asking for information on their contacts with Enron.

Saturday, January 12, 2002

Letter to Enron Chairman for Information about E-mails

Rep. Waxman asks Enron chairman Kenneth Lay to verify and explain two e-mails Mr. Lay purportedly sent to employees in August 2001 reassuring them about the company’s prospects and stock price.

Friday, January 11, 2002

Letter to Secretaries O'Neill and Evans for Information about Enron Contacts

In a letter to Secretaries O'Neill and Evans, Rep. Waxman asks for details about their contacts with Enron and for a full explanation of why they decided to take no action to protect Enron employees and shareholders.

Thursday, January 10, 2002

Rep. Waxman Releases Enron Statement

Rep Waxman issues a statement in response to news reports that the Bush Administration had prior knowledge of the Enron collapse.

Thursday, January 10, 2002

Letter to Attorney General Ashcroft about Association with Enron

Rep. Waxman writes Attorney General Ashcroft about the political support he has received from Enron, and whether this will affect the AG's involvement in the criminal investigation of Enron.

Wednesday, January 09, 2002

GAO to Decide on Filing Lawsuit Against the White House

GAO announced it expected to decide within a month whether to file a lawsuit against the White House. This would represent the first time that GAO has had to take the executive branch to court to obtain access to information.

Tuesday, January 08, 2002

White House Discloses Enron Contacts; Waxman Seeks Additional Information

Responding to Rep. Waxman's December 4 letter, the White House reveals repeated contacts between Enron executives and the White House energy task force. Rep. Waxman writes Vice President Cheney to seek information about the topics discussed during the six meetings with Enron executives disclosed by the White House.

Tuesday, January 08, 2002

Letter to Vice President Cheney about Additional Information on Enron Contacts

Responding to Rep. Waxman's December 4 letter, the White House reveals repeated contacts between Enron executives and the White House energy task force. Rep. Waxman writes Vice President Cheney to seek information about the topics discussed during the six meetings with Enron executives disclosed by the White House.

Monday, January 07, 2002

New Report on D.C. Nursing Home Care

A new report by the Special Investigations Division for Congresswoman Norton finds that many nursing homes in D.C. are providing substandard care.

Thursday, January 03, 2002

New Data on Administration Prescription Drug Card Plan

Reps. Waxman, Dingell, Rangel, Stark, Brown, and Ross wrote to HHS Secretary Thompson describing new GAO data that indicates that the drug cards proposed by the Bush Administration are unlikely to provide significant benefits for seniors.

Wednesday, December 19, 2001

State Department Suspends Export of Fifty Caliber Weapons

In reponse to Rep. Waxman's request, the State Department has halted the export of dangerous fifty caliber sniper weapons.

Monday, December 10, 2001

Items on OMB "Confidential" List Appear Relevant to Terrorism

The Office of Management and Budget has asked the Republican Subcommittee staff of the Government Reform Committee to compile a list that details regulations considered burdensome by lobbyists. On Dec. 10., Reps. Waxman and Tierney sent a letter to Governor Ridge on the regulations on this list that appear to be relevant to efforts to address terrorism.

Friday, December 07, 2001

FDA Regulation Needed to Curb Youth Smoking

Rep. Waxman released a GAO study that demonstrates state enforcement of youth smoking laws is inadequate. Many states used young teens to inspect retail outlets for compliance, artificially reducing violations. Fifteen states did not take enforcement action against stores selling cigarettes to children. The report shows that strong FDA regulation is needed to curb the epidemic of youth smoking.

Thursday, December 06, 2001

New Tobacco Documents Allege Illegal Activity

Rep. Waxman wrote to the Attorney General with new evidence of bribery, obstruction of justice, purgery, and other illegal activity in the tobacco industry. These allegations were made by tobacco executive Ron Tully in two 1998 letters.

Wednesday, December 05, 2001

OMB Requests "Confidential" List of Regulations Disliked by Lobbyists

Reps. Waxman and John Tierney send a letter to the Office of Management and Budget asking for the disclosure of a list, compiled at OMB’s request by the Republican Subcommittee staff of the Government Reform Committee, that details regulations considered burdensome by lobbyists. Reps. Waxman and Tierney send a letter to Governor Tom Ridge on the regulations on this list that appear to be relevant to efforts to address terrorism.

Tuesday, December 04, 2001

Vice President Asked to Disclosed Energy Task Force Contacts with Enron

Rep. Waxman wrote the Vice President asking that he disclose details about contacts between his energy task force and Enron Corp., in light of the company's recent financial collapse and press reports suggesting that Enron had extensive dealings with the task force.

Tuesday, December 04, 2001

Letter to Vice President Cheney Requesting Details about Enron Contacts

Rep. Waxman writes the Vice President asking that he disclose details about contacts between his energy task force and Enron Corp., in light of the company’s recent financial collapse and press reports suggesting that Enron had extensive dealings with the task force.

Monday, December 03, 2001

Bush Refuses to Turn Over Records

Rep. Waxman criticized the Bush Administration for invoking executive privilege and withholding important documents from Congress.

Wednesday, November 28, 2001

Bill to Open Secret Social Security Commission Meetings

Reps. Waxman and Matsui introduce legislation that will require the President's Commission on Social Security to keep their meetings open to the public.

Monday, November 26, 2001

FDA Must Act Against Web Sites Selling Cipro, Other Antibiotics

Reps. Waxman and Dingell sent a letter to Secretary Thompson urging FDA to take action against web sites that sell Cipro and other antibiotics at inflated prices without valid prescriptions.

Monday, November 19, 2001

U.S. Negotiators Promoted Philip Morris's Changes to Global Tobacco Treaty

Rep. Waxman sent a letter to President Bush revealing that U.S. negotiators promoted 10 of 11 deletions to a global tobacco treaty urged by Philip Morris, the nation's largest cigarette manufacturer.

Friday, November 16, 2001

Rep. Waxman and Sen. Grassley Object to Efforts to Weaken Federal Nursing Home Regulations

The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has proposed weakening nursing home regulations, making it more difficult to cite nursing homes for widespread violations of standards which protect residents from abuse, restraints, pressure sores, and other problems. On November 16, Rep. Waxman and Sen. Charles Grassley sent CMS Administrator Thomas Scully a letter objecting to the Administration proposal.

Thursday, November 15, 2001

Improving Mail Safety

Rep. Waxman and other members have recently sent a series of letters to the Postmaster General and other officials on steps to improve mail safety.

Thursday, November 15, 2001

The Biological Weapons Convention: Rethinking Our Priorities After September 11

Rep. Waxman held a Special Investigations Briefing to discuss the value of mandatory inspections under the Biological Weapons Convention, particularly in the context of the September 11 terrorist attacks and the recent anthrax attacks.

Wednesday, November 14, 2001

Exempting Texas from Controversial Energy Regulations

Rep. Waxman sent a letter to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Chairman Pat Wood asking why he believed Texas should be exempt from controversial electricity transmission policies that Chairman Wood has proposed for the rest of the country.

Displaying Items 1326 to 1350 of 1458:

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