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Chronology of Committee Work

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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Iraq Reconstruction Efforts Are Failing

A new report released by Rep. Waxman assesses the progress of reconstruction in Iraq. The report finds that despite the expenditure of billions of dollars, Administration objectives set two years ago have not been met and measurable improvements in the critical oil, electricity, and water sectors are small or nonexistent.

Monday, October 17, 2005

DHS Inspector General Finds FEMA’s Flood Map Program Is Underfunded and Inadequate

A new report from the Department of Homeland Security IG finds significant deficiencies in FEMA’s program to upgrade flood maps, including insufficient funding, poor management, and contractor failures.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Democrats Defend California's Environmental Protections Against Federal Preemption

Twenty-nine members of the California Democratic delegation, led by Reps. Henry A. Waxman, Jim Costa, and Anna G. Eshoo, write to Transportation Secretary Mineta challenging the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's attempt to preempt California's landmark law to reduce global warming.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Cal/EPA Tobacco Report Should Inform Secondhand Smoke Policies

Rep. Waxman writes to Cal/EPA Secretary Alan C. Lloyd to commend the Agency for its new report on secondhand smoke, Proposed Identification of Environmental Tobacco Smoke as a Toxic Air Contaminant.

Friday, October 14, 2005

The Administration's Record on Avian Flu

Rep. Waxman releases a fact sheet that details how the Bush Administration has ignored at least six major expert reports and statements related to an influenza pandemic, proposed substantial cuts in funding for public health preparedness, and failed to finalize a national response plan for an influenza pandemic or endorse or propose pandemic-flu legislation.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

The Politicization of Emergency Contraception

Rep. Waxman releases a Fact Sheet on FDA's rejection of over-the-counter sales of emergency contraception drug Plan B.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Presidential Advisor Gives Misleading Comments about HHS Website

Rep. Waxman writes to Presidential Advisor Claude Allen regarding comments he made that incorrectly assert that inaccuracies on the 4parents.gov website have been fixed.

Friday, October 07, 2005

HHS Press Release on Katrina Response Exaggerated and Misleading

Rep. Waxman writes to HHS Secretary Leavitt seeking clarification of a confusing and misleading HHS press release. The release suggests that HHS's provision of health and social services to Katrina survivors is good, but even the data included in the release itself suggest disappointing and inadequate Federal assistance.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Rep. Waxman Supports Stupak Substitute for H.R. 3893

In a House floor speech, Rep. Waxman supports the Stupak amendment for H.R. 3893, which would address the problem of gas price gouging.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Republican Energy Bill (H.R. 3893) is "Crass Opportunism"

Rep. Waxman speaks on the House floor about the Republican bill H.R. 3893, which benefits oil companies and relaxes necessary environmental regulations but does nothing to alleviate gas price spikes.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Rep. Waxman Requests GAO Review of National Abstinence Clearinghouse Contract

In a letter to GAO, Rep. Waxman raises concerns about possible ideological bias and financial conflicts of interest in a HHS funded review of abstinence-only curricula.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Independent Counsel David M. Barrett Continues to Spend Millions Despite Court Order to Close Cisneros Investigation

Two years after the court ordered a halt to the decade-old investigation of former HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros, Independent Counsel David M. Barrett continues to spend two million taxpayer dollars annually.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Administration Reverses Government Credit Card Limit Increase

After coming under heavy criticism, the Administration reversed the dangerous increase from $15,000 to $250,000 in the per-purchase limit on government-issued credit cards. Rep. Waxman makes a statement on the change.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Committee Democrats Push to Strengthen Whistleblower Protections

In a Committee markup of H.R. 1317, The Federal Employee Protection of Disclosures Act, Committee Democrats offered amendments that would strengthen protections for federal employees who come forward to report waste, fraud, abuse, and national security violations. Two of these important amendments were offered by Democrats, but were defeated on party line votes.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Months Before Katrina, DHS IG Warned Brown FEMA Responses Were Inadequate

In June 2005, the Department of Homeland Security's Inspector General warned FEMA that its systems for managing the personnel and equipment dispatched to disaster sites were inadequate. Instead of remedying the problems the report identified, FEMA director Michael Brown disputed nearly all its findings.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Ample Precedent for White House Testimony

Rep. Waxman writes to Senators Collins and Lieberman to clarify that it is not unusual for White House officials to testify before Congress. He cites a Congressional Research Service report with a 14-page list of examples.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Rep. Waxman and Leader Pelosi Introduce Anti-Cronyism Bill (H.R. 3925)

Rep. Henry A. Waxman and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi introduce the Anti-Cronyism and Public Safety Act, H.R. 3925, which would prohibit the President from appointing unqualified individuals to critical public safety positions in the government.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Homeland Security Department Asked for Details of Katrina Cruise Ship

Rep. Waxman asks DHS Secretary Chertoff to provide information about contracts awarded to Carnival Cruise Lines which could be worth up to $236 million.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

EPA Is Using Katrina to Undermine the Clean Air Act

EPA has drafted legislation that would allow the agency to waive any provision of the Clean Air Act, nationwide – including limits on toxic emissions and the health-based air quality standards – without any notice or public comment whenever the Administrator chooses to declare an emergency.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Rep. Waxman and Democratic Leader Pelosi Introduce Legislation to Oversee Gulf Coast Contracting

Democratic Leader Pelosi and Rep. Waxman announce their Hurricane Katrina Accountability and Clean Contracting Bill, H.R. 3838, which would ensure accountability in reconstruction of the Gulf Coast and establish an independent anti-fraud commission to prevente waste, fraud, and abuse in relief and recovery contracts.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Rep. Waxman Decries Partisan Approach to Hurricane Katrina Oversight

| On the floor of the House, Rep. Waxman assails legislation creating a Republican-dominated commission to examine the response to the hurricane disaster, arguing instead for an independent commission.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Committee Holds Hearing on Katrina-Related Issues

| The Committee holds a hearing called by Chairman Davis to compare and contrast emergency plans in Washington DC, Miami, and Los Angeles. Rep. Waxman had earlier requested a hearing to examine the failed federal response to Hurricane Katrina.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Democratic Leaders Ask GAO to Oversee Gulf Coast Reconstruction

Rep. Waxman, Democratic Leader Pelosi, and other senior Democrats request that GAO Comptroller General David M. Walker immediately establish a team of experienced auditors and investigators to monitor in real time the contracts and spending for the recovery, relief , and reconstruction of the Gulf Coast.

Friday, September 09, 2005

FEMA Predicted a “Catastrophic Hurricane” Could Strike New Orleans and Cause a “Mega-Disaster”

A letter to Secretary Chertoff from Ranking Member Waxman and Chairman Davis describes documents from the Department of Homeland Security that show that FEMA was aware in 2004 that a “catastrophic hurricane” could hit New Orleans and “trap hundreds of thousands of people in flooded areas and leave up to one million people homeless." FEMA officials wrote: “the gravity of the situation calls for an extraordinary level of advance planning."

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Provision in Katrina Emergency Bill Leaves Government Open to Waste, Fraud, and Abuse

Rep Waxman writes to Appropriations Committee Chair Lewis about a provision in the Katrina Emergency Supplemental Appropriations that would extend from $15,000 to $250,000 the purchasing limit for an individual transaction for federal employees with government-issued credit cards.

Displaying Items 776 to 800 of 1458:

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