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Chronology of Committee Work

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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Chairman Waxman Writes RNC Chairman Mike Duncan

After the Committee voted to issue a subpoena to Republican National Committee Chairman Mike Duncan, Chairman Waxman sends a letter to Mr. Duncan describing the subjects the Committee expects him to address during the hearing regarding the scope of the potential violations of the Presidential Records Act caused by the use of RNC e-mail accounts by White House officials for official communications. In addition, Chairman Waxman reiterates his offer to consider ways in which the RNC could provide the information in a way that would not require Mr. Duncan's testimony.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Hearing Examines FDA's Vital Mission and Challenges for the Future

The FDA is one of our oldest and most critical public health agencies, overseeing $1.5 trillion in products, including over-the-counter drugs, pharmaceuticals, biological products such as insulin and vaccines, medical devices, cosmetics, animal drugs and feeds, and roughly 80% of the food supply. Tuesday’s hearing examined the role and scope of the FDA, along with the challenges it faces for the future.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Committee Considers Several Bills

Following Tuesday’s hearing, the Oversight Committee will consider several bills.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Committee Requests Lynch Report from U.S. Central Command

Chairman Waxman writes to the Inspector General of U.S. Central Command requesting a copy of a report on their investigation of the false information circulated about the rescue of Army Private Jessica Lynch from An Nasiriyah, Iraq on April 1, 2003.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Committee Seeks White House and Defense Secretary Communications about Tillman Death

Chairman Waxman asked the White House and Defense Department officials up the chain of command to provide the Oversight Committee with any communications relating to the death of Corporal Pat Tillman.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Committee Invites Former CIA Director to Testify on Iraq War Intelligence

Chairman Waxman has invited former CIA Director George Tenet to testify before the Committee on May 10th regarding one of the claims used to justify the war in Iraq - the assertion that Iraq sought to import uranium from Niger - and related issues.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Oversight Committee Asks Agencies for Information on Political Presentations

Following media reports that at least 20 political briefings were given to officials of at least 15 federal agencies, Chairman Waxman writes to government agencies requesting further information and documents about any briefings mentioning elections or candidates provided to agency employees by officials in the White House.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Committee Votes by 21 to 10 to Issue Subpoena for Testimony of Secretary Rice

On Wednesday, April 25, the Oversight Committee voted by 21 to 10 to issue a subpoena for the testimony of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice regarding the Administration's Niger claims during the lead-up to the Iraq war and other topics.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Oversight Committee Issues Three Subpoenas To Further Investigations

On Wednesday, the Committee approved the issuance of three subpoenas related to ongoing investigations. The Committee issued two subpoenas to the Republican National Committee requesting the testimony of RNC Chairman Mike Duncan and documents related to possible violations of the Presidential Records Act and the Hatch Act by White House officials. The third subpoena requests the testimony of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice regarding the fabricated claim that Iraq sought uranium from Niger and other issues.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

State Department's Response to Chairman Waxman's April 17 Letter

On April 24, 2007, Assistant Secretary of State Jeffrey Bergner responded on behalf of Secretary Rice to Chairman Waxman's April 17 inquiry regarding the Administration's claims that Iraq attempted to procure uranium from Niger and other subjects.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Oversight Committee Holds Hearing on Tillman, Lynch Incidents

On April 24, 2007 the Oversight Committee held a hearing focusing on misleading information following the death of Army Ranger Specialist Patrick Tillman in Afghanistan and the capture and rescue of Army Private Jessica Lynch in Iraq.

Monday, April 23, 2007

NIEHS Terminates Sciences International Contract

In response to conflict of interest concerns raised by Chairman Waxman and Senator Barbara Boxer, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences terminated a contract with Sciences International, a private contractor involved in reviewing the risks of bisphenol-A.

Monday, April 23, 2007

FDA Responds to Chairman Waxman’s Question about Lead in Women’s Multivitamins

In response to Rep. Waxman’s questions about FDA’s response to reports that certain women’s multivitamins were contaminated with lead, FDA writes that the matter is still being investigated.

Monday, April 23, 2007

New Evidence of Security Problems at the White House

Current and former employees of the White House Security Office have reported to Chairman Waxman that there was a systemic failure at the White House to follow procedures for protecting classified information. According to the security officers, the White House regularly ignored security breaches, prevented security inspections of the West Wing, and condoned mismanagement of the White House Security Office.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Chairman Waxman Asks for Further Information on Halliburton Move

Chairman Waxman requests information about the effects of Halliburton's decision to move the office of its CEO to Dubai.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Committee to Consider Subpoena of Andrew Card

Chairman Waxman informs former White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card that the Oversight Committee will meet on April 25 to consider a subpoena for Mr. Card’s testimony regarding the leak of Valerie Plame Wilson’s covert identity and White House security procedures unless Mr. Card agrees to appear before the Committee voluntarily.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Committee to Consider Subpoena of White House Information Relating to MZM Contract

Chairman Waxman informs White House Counsel Fred Fielding that unless documents are provided by April 24, the Oversight Committee will meet on April 25 to consider a subpoena for information regarding contacts between the White House and MZM, a federal contractor implicated in bribery charges.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Committee to Consider Subpoena for RNC Documents Related to White House E-mails

Chairman Waxman informs the RNC that the Oversight Committee will meet on April 25 to consider a subpoena for documents relating to possible violation of the Presidential Records Act and the Hatch Act by White House officials.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Walter Reed Investigation Prompts Military Health Reforms

Within a week after the Subcommittee on National Security and Foreign Affairs held the first hearing on the deplorable conditions at Walter Reed, the top Army officer at Walter Reed resigned. This hearing and three others held by the Committee and the Subcommittee also prompted a series of reforms in the care of wounded soldiers and veterans.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Waxman Requests Drug Purchase Information

Chairman Waxman requests detailed information about drug purchases in the President's Global AIDS Program.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Committee Marks Up National Capital Transportation Amendments Act of 2007

The Committee held amended and reported favorably on the National Capital Transportation Amendments Act of 2007 (H.R. 401).

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Rep. Waxman Renews Request After RNC Fails to Provide Information on White House Officials' E-mails

In a letter to the Republican National Committee, Chairman Waxman states that it is unacceptable that — after three letters from the Committee — the RNC has provided only minimal information regarding White House officials’ use of RNC e-mail accounts. In response to the RNC’s proposal to limit the Committee’s request for e-mail, Chairman Waxman requests basic facts about the scope and nature of the emails sent using these accounts before he assesses whether such limitations are required.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Coast Guard Adopts Reforms after Committee Hearing on Deepwater Contract

Following a Committee hearing into abuses in the $24 billion Deepwater contract, the Coast Guard announced it was transferring control over the contract from private contractors to the Coast Guard and initiating proceedings to recoup some of the taxpayer funds used to build defective ships.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

State Department's Response to Chairman Waxman's Letters

On April 17, 2007, Assistant Secretary of State Jeffrey Bergner responded on behalf of Secretary Rice to Chairman Waxman's March 30 and April 9 inquiries regarding the Administration's claims that Iraq attempted to procure uranium from Niger and other subjects.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Chairman Waxman Postpones Vote and Renews Request for Rice Testimony

After receiving a second response from the State Department, Rep. Waxman writes to Secretary Rice announcing a one-week postponement of the Committee’s consideration of a subpoena and asking her to schedule a voluntary appearance before the Committee prior to the Memorial Day recess.

Displaying Items 476 to 500 of 1458:

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