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Found 5 studies with search of: (NCCAM) [SPONSOR] (uterine cancer) [CONDITION]
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1 Completed Acupuncture for Women's Health Conditions
Conditions: Ovarian Neoplasms;   Endometriosis;   Pelvic Pain;   Uterine Neoplasms
Intervention: Procedure: Chinese Acupuncture
2 Completed Self-Hypnotic Relaxation Therapy During Invasive Procedures
Conditions: Uterine Neoplasms;   Leiomyoma
Intervention: Behavioral: Self-hypnotic relaxation
3 Completed Healing Touch and Relaxation Therapies in Cervical Cancer Patients
Condition: Cervix Neoplasms
Interventions: Behavioral: Healing Touch Therapy;   Behavioral: Relaxation Therapy;   Behavioral: Standard Care
4 Completed Macrobiotic Diet and Flax Seed: Effects on Estrogens, Phytoestrogens, & Fibrinolytic Factors
Conditions: Cardiovascular Diseases;   Osteoporosis;   Breast Cancer;   Endometrial Cancer
Interventions: Behavioral: American Heart Association Step 1 diet;   Behavioral: American Heart Association Step 2 diet + 10 g/day flax seed;   Behavioral: Macrobiotic dietary intervention
5 Completed Women's Use of Alternative Medicine: A Multiethnic Study
Conditions: Uterine Fibroids;   Osteoporosis;   Urinary Tract Infection;   High Blood Pressure;   Heart Disease;   Arthritis;   Depression;   Headaches

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