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Found 14 studies with search of: (NCCAM) [SPONSOR] (osteoarthritis) [CONDITION]
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1 Completed Efficacy of Acupuncture With Physical Therapy for Knee Osteo-Arthritis
Condition: Osteoarthritis
Intervention: Procedure: Acupuncture
2 Completed Acupuncture Safety/Efficacy in Knee Osteoarthritis
Condition: Osteoarthritis, Knee
Intervention: Procedure: Acupuncture
3 Not yet recruiting Exploring Massage Benefits for Arthritis of the Knee
Condition: Osteoarthritis of the Knee
Interventions: Other: Swedish Massage 30 min 2x/wk x4 wks then 1x/wk x4 wks;   Other: Swedish massage 60 min 2x/wk for 4 wks then 1x/wk for 4 wks;   Other: Swedish Massage 30 min sessions 1x/wk for 8 wks;   Other: Swedish Massage 60 min session 1x/wk for 8 wks
4 Completed Effects of Osteoarthritis Pain, Morphine, and Placebo on Neuroendocrine Function in Men
Condition: Osteoarthritis
Intervention: Procedure: Blood Draw
5 Recruiting Yoga for Arthritis
Conditions: Rheumatoid Arthritis;   Osteoarthritis
Intervention: Behavioral: yoga
6 Completed Qigong Therapy for Individuals With Knee Osteoarthritis
Condition: Osteoarthritis
Intervention: Procedure: External Qigong therapy
7 Active, not recruiting Tai Chi Mind-Body Therapy for Knee Osteoarthritis
Condition: Knee Osteoarthritis
Interventions: Behavioral: 12-week tai Chi program;   Behavioral: 12-week stretching and wellness education program
8 Completed Cost-Effectiveness of and Long-Term Outcomes Following Acupuncture Treatment for Osteoarthritis of the Knee
Condition: Osteoarthritis, Knee
Intervention: Procedure: Acupuncture
9 Active, not recruiting Joint Injections for Osteoarthritic Knee Pain
Condition: Osteoarthritis
Interventions: Procedure: Dextrose Prolotherapy;   Procedure: Saline Prolotherapy;   Other: At-home physical therapy exercise group
10 Completed Functional Brain Imaging - Acupuncture and Osteoarthritis
Condition: Osteoarthritis
Intervention: Procedure: acupuncture
11 Completed Absorption and Distribution of Glucosamine and Chondroitin
Condition: Osteoarthritis
Interventions: Drug: Glucosamine;   Drug: Chondroitin
12 Completed Glucosamine/Chondroitin Arthritis Intervention Trial (GAIT)
Condition: Osteoarthritis
Interventions: Drug: glucosamine;   Drug: chondroitin sulfate;   Drug: glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate combined;   Drug: celecoxib
13 Completed Interaction Between Patient and Healthcare Provider: Response to Acupuncture in Knee Osteoarthritis
Condition: Osteoarthritis
Interventions: Procedure: Acupuncture;   Procedure: Placebo acupuncture;   Other: Usual Care
14 Completed Effects of Oral Glucosamine on Insulin and Blood Vessel Activity in Normal and Obese People
Conditions: Obesity;   Insulin Resistance
Intervention: Drug: Glucosamine Hydrochloride

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