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Chronology of Committee Work

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Thursday, May 04, 2006

Committee Refuses to Investigate White House's Knowledge of Deficit Reduction Act's Infirmities

Despite Democrats' efforts, the Committee votes down a resolution to investigate whether the President knew in advance that the version he signed of S. 1932, the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, had not passed both houses before arrival at the White House.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

New GAO Report Finds Widespread Problems With Information Provided By Bush Administration About New Medicare Drug Benefit

Rep. Waxman, along with Reps. Dingell, Rangel, Stark, and Sherrod Brown, releases a GAO report that finds that the information provided by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services about the complicated new drug benefit is rife with problems. According to GAO, the federal handbooks, website, and 1-800 Medicare hotline failed to provide information that was “consistently clear, complete, accurate, and usable.”

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Bush Administration Increases Number of Political Appointees; Minority and Female Appointees Plunge

Rep. Waxman, along with Committee Democrats Danny K. Davis, Major R. Owens, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Elijah E. Cummings, and Chris Van Hollen, releases a report finding that in the Bush Administration’s first five years, the number of political appointees on the federal payroll has soared while the number of minority and female political appointees has declined dramatically.

Monday, May 01, 2006

The Impact of President Bush's Budget on Veterans' Health Care in Massachusetts's 6th Congressional District

At the request of Rep. John F. Tierney, this report analyzes the impact these proposals would have on veterans in Massachusetts’s 6th Congressional District.

Monday, May 01, 2006

The Impact of High Gasoline Prices in Central New Jersey

At the reqeuest of Rep. Rush D. Holt, this report analyzes what has happened in central New Jersey to the cost of one key energy source - gasoline - since the release of the Administration's energy plan.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Rep. Waxman Still Seeking Answers from FERC Chairman

In a third letter to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Chairman Kelliher, Rep. Waxman seeks answers to specific questions about the circumstances surrounding FERC’s favorable settlement with the Southern Company.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Terrorism Attacks Surge in 2005

New data from the National Counterterrorism Center shows that terrorist attacks have increased exponentially in the three years since the United States invaded Iraq.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

GAO Criticizes No-Bid Contracts to Alaska Native Corporations

Rep. Waxman releases a fact sheet on a new report by the Government Accountability Office that examines the increasing number of no-bid federal contracts being awarded to Alaska Native Corporations and finds that “there is clearly the potential for unintended consequences or abuse.”

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Rep. Waxman Decries Republicans' Sham Lobby "Reform" Bill on House Floor

In a heated floor debate, Rep. Waxman explains that the Republicans’ lobbying reform bill does nothing to clean up the culture of corruption in the Congress, and points out that the Rules Committee would not even allow consideration of the bipartisan Executive Branch Reform Act passed by the committee.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Gas Prices Have Doubled Since 2005

Rep. Waxman releases a graph showing that gasoline prices have doubled since 2000, despite the Administration’s aggressive implementation of its energy plan. He explains that Washington is mired in scandal and in order to address the Administration’s failed energy policy, Congress must clean up corrupt lobbying practices.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Rep. Waxman Requests Information on Former VA Secretary's Relationship with Major Contractor

In a letter to the VA, Rep. Waxman asks Secretary Nicholson to describe the communications between former Secretary Anthony Principi and QTC Management Inc., where he is now chairman of the board. QTC has over $1 billion in contracts with the Department.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

New Questions Raised About White House Role in Leaking Classified Iraq Intelligence

In a letter to President Bush, Rep. Waxman asks for a full accounting of the President's and Vice President's actions in authorizing leaks of classified intelligence about Iraq, while at the same time concealing the President's knowledge of serious doubts about Iraq's pursuit of nuclear weapons.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Committee Approves Bill to End Secret Contacts between Lobbyists and Executive Branch Officials

The best and worst of Congress were on display today in the Government Reform Committee, as the Committee unanimously approved a bipartisan bill containing landmark reforms of the executive branch on the same day that it also approved legislation containing the sham reforms of Congress written by the Republican leadership. The executive branch bill (H.R. 5112) would end secret meetings between lobbyists and political appointees, close the revolving door between lobbyists and government, enact new protections for national security whistleblowers, curb unnecessary secrecy and over-classification, and prohibit covert propaganda.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

GAO Report Reveals Serious Shortcoming in U.S. Approach to Global AIDS Crisis

Rep. Waxman calls for changes to the requirement that one-third of AIDS prevention funds be spent on abstinence programs, citing a new GAO report finding that this requirement and the Administration's overbroad implementation are impeding efforts to stop the global AIDS epidemic.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Inspector General Finds Convicted Official Influenced Award of ESSI Contract

Rep. Waxman renews his request for information about the award of a no-bid defense contract to Engineered Support Systems, Inc., a company closely affiliated with President Bush's uncle, citing a new IG report that finds Darleen Druyun improperly influenced the contract award.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

FERC Chairman's Response Fails to Address Central Questions

Rep. Waxman writes FERC Chairman Kelliher that his response to Rep. Waxman's March 27 letter neglects to address key questions about the motivations behind the favorable settlement for Southern Company and the communications between the FERC chief of staff and the company.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Rep. Waxman Announces Resolution Seeking Investigation of Signing of the Reconciliation Act

Rep. Waxman and other committee members announce they will introduce H. Res. 752, a Resolution of Inquiry directing the President to submit to Congress all documents relating to the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, which the President signed on February 8.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Halliburton's Performance Under the Restore Iraqi Oil 2 Contract

At the request of Rep. Henry A. Waxman, this report examines Halliburton's performance under the Restore Iraqi Oil 2 (RIO 2) contract.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Questions Raised About Sweetheart Deal at Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Rep. Waxman asks why FERC Chairman Kelliher and his chief of staff bypassed the career staff handling the case and intervened to reach an unusually favorable settlement with the politically well-connected Southern Company.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

New Medicare Drug Plans Restrict Access to Important Drugs

Rep. Waxman releases a new report finding that 97% of plans restrict access to important drugs on their formularies through the use of prior authorization, step-therapy, and quantity limits. A telephone survey of the plans finds that they fail to adequately inform seniors of these restrictions, often providing information that is conflicting or erroneous.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Democratic Leader Pelosi and Rep. Waxman Question President on Signing Budget Bill

Democratic Leader Pelosi and Rep. Waxman write to the President requesting clarification on his knowledge that the budget bill he signed on February 8, 2006 was different from the bill that passed the U.S. House of Representatives.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Rep. Waxman Renews Call for Congressional Action on Katrina Contracting

In a letter to Chairman Davis, Rep. Waxman asks again for oversight hearings to investigate the Administration’s failure to manage and oversee the Katrina reconstruction contracts. He also requests that the Chairman schedule hearings and markup of the Hurricane Katrina Accountability and Contracting Reform Act (H.R. 3838), which Rep. Waxman, Leader Pelosi, and other Democrats introduced six months ago.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Presidential, Vice Presidential Political Travel Cost Taxpayers Millions

Rep. Waxman releases a new minority staff report that shows that taxpayers pay over 95% of the cost of flights by the President and Vice President for campaign-related events. Using figures from 2002, the last time the President and Vice President traveled on behalf of others in a nonpresidential election cycle, the report projects that taxpayers will spend over $7 million in 2006 on presidential and vice presidential political flights.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Fact Sheet: Comparison of Medicare Drug Price Analyses

Rep. Waxman releases a fact sheet outlining the differences between minority staff's analyses of the new Medicare drug plan prices and the analyses offered by CMS.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

President May Have Known of Constitutional Defect Before Bill Signing

Rep. Waxman asks the White House to respond to information that the Speaker of the House called President Bush to alert him that the version of the Reconciliation Act he was about to sign differed from the version that passed the U.S. House of Representatives. Rep. Waxman writes: “If the President signed the Reconciliation Act knowing its constitutional infirmity, he would in effect be placing himself above the Constitution.”

Displaying Items 676 to 700 of 1458:

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