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Chronology of Committee Work

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Monday, July 10, 2006

GAO Finds Medicare Drug Plans Fail to Accurately Answer Consumer Questions

A new GAO report finds that call centers run by private Medicare drug plans provide inaccurate and incomplete information to consumers. GAO found that in most instances, prescription plan providers were unable to accurately respond to simple questions about plan costs, low-income coverage, plan formulary procedures, and plan utilization management techniques.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Waxman Requests Information About Possible Cruise Ship Contracts

Rep. Waxman today sent a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Chertoff regarding a recent report that DHS is considering renting cruise ships to house illegal immigrants detained in the United States. Recent experience has shown that using cruise ships for temporary housing is enormously expensive.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

New Contracts to Replace Halliburton Troop Support Contract

Rep. Waxman reveals that the Defense Department is moving to terminate Halliburton’s LOGCAP troop support contract and raises questions about aspects of the Department’s plans that fail to maximize competition and create potential for serious conflicts of interest.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Committee Agrees to Waxman Request for Subpoena of Secretary Rumsfeld

Since last fall, Rep. Waxman has been investigating specific allegations of detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib prison made by a military whistleblower, Sgt. Samuel Provance. After the Pentagon refused to respond to multiple written requests, the Committee agreed on Friday to Rep. Waxman’s request to subpoena Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, compelling him to provide documents about the abuse allegations and reports of retaliation against Sgt. Provance.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Prescription for Harm: The Decline in FDA Enforcement Activity

A new report by Rep. Henry A. Waxman examines how the Bush Administration has carried out FDA’s historic enforcement responsibilities. The report is the result of a 15-month investigation that included a review of thousands of pages of internal agency enforcement records. It finds that there has been a precipitous drop in FDA enforcement actions over the last five years.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

New Documents Reveal Problems with Alaska Native Contracts

Rep. Waxman today released new federal agency documents that highlight significant problems with no-bid contracts with Alaska Native companies, including political interference with the contracting process and serious performance deficiencies.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Safe Climate Act Will Significantly Reduce Global Warming

Today Rep. Henry A. Waxman, together with twelve of his House colleagues, introduced the “Safe Climate Act of 2006.” The legislation is based on what scientists have concluded the United States must do to avoid dangerous, irreversible warming of the planet and would significantly reduce U.S. emissions of greenhouse gases.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Dollars, Not Sense: Government Contracting Under the Bush Administration

Rep. Waxman today released a comprehensive assessment of procurement spending by the Bush Administration. The 65-page report finds that spending on contractors over the past five years has ballooned, growing faster than any other part of the discretionary budget and increasing five times faster than inflation. The report also contains the first government-wide estimate of the number and value of “problem contracts” under the Bush Administration, detailing 118 contracts worth over $745 billion that have experienced significant overcharges, wasteful spending, or mismanagement.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Waste, Fraud, and Abuse Mar Iraq Reconstruction

Rep. Waxman today addressed the floor of the House of Representatives to highlight waste, fraud, and abuse in the reconstruction of Iraq. Despite $50 billion in expenditures, oil and electricity production remains well below pre-war levels. The Bush Administration’s gross mismanagement of the war has wasted taxpayer dollars and produced lackluster results.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Rep. Waxman Requests Information on use of Private Air Travel

Today Rep. Waxman sent a letter to Secretary Leavitt requesting additional information regarding his extensive travel aboard a private jet that had been leased by CDC for responding to public health emergencies. Letters were also sent to request detailed information regarding chartered private air travel by other Cabinet secretaries and government executives.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Rep. Waxman Calls for Public Accounting of Rove’s Actions in CIA Leak Case

In light of reports that Special Counsel Fitzgerald will not pursue criminal charges against Karl Rove -- and does not appear likely to file a report or make other public statements about findings -- Rep. Waxman renews his request to Chairman Davis for a congressional investigation that would provide public accountability and address unanswered questions.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Rep. Waxman Concludes Principi's Actions were "Proper and Ethical"

Rep. Waxman writes to VA Secretary Nicholson to thank him for supplying requested documents and to notify him that Rep. Waxman is satisfied that former Secretary Principi’s actions with respect to QTC Management Inc. were “proper and ethical.”

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Rep. Waxman's Statement at Hearing on the Security of Personal Information at Federal Agencies

Rep. Waxman's Statement at Hearing on the Security of Personal Information at Federal Agencies

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Democrats Ask Hastert to Ban Smoking in House Buildings

Nineteen Democrats write to Speaker Hastert asking him to bring the Capitol Complex into compliance with District of Columbia law and ban smoking in the Capitol complex. Effective on April 3, DC law prohibited smoking in any workplace or indoor public place.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Congress Has Voted More Than 50 Times to Override State Laws

Rep. Waxman releases a report evaluating how many times Congress has voted over the last five years to preempt state laws and regulations. Republican leaders in Congress and President Bush have repeatedly promised to respect the role of states as laboratories of democracy, but the report documents that the House and the Senate have voted 57 times to preempt state laws and regulations.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Rep. Waxman Requests Update to HIV Compendium

Rep. Waxman writes to CDC Director Gerberding to ask why in seven years the agency has failed to update a crucial document identifying HIV prevention programs that have been shown to reduce risk behaviors and HIV transmission.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

New Report Reveals Estate Tax Repeal Would Give Over $200 Million Windfall to Oil Company Executives

This report analyzes the impact that repeal would have on the families of the senior executives for the major oil companies. In 2005, the minority staff of the Government Reform Committee released a similar analysis showing that repealing the estate tax repeal would save the President, Vice President, and 11 cabinet members as much as $344 million.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

GAO Finds Improper Conversions of Political Appointees to Career Government Posts

In a letter to OPM, Rep. Waxman and Rep. Danny Davis ask Director Linda Springer to review whether OPM’s procedures properly guard against favoritism for appointees in the otherwise merit-based federal workforce.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Democrats Ask GAO to Examine Whether Part D Plans Employ Management Techniques

Ranking Members Dingell, Brown, Rangel, Stark, and Waxman ask GAO to look into whether Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plans use management techniques to prevent patients from getting their medicines.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Dramatic Rise in Collusion Between Pharma and Generic Drug Companies Is Hiking Prices

Sen. Schumer and Rep. Waxman write to the heads of the two major pharmaceutical trade organizations asking them to take a strong, public stance against the recent dramatic rise in settlements where pharmaceutical companies pay off generic drug companies to keep cheaper generics off the market.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Five Year Review of Bush Energy Policy

On the fifth anniversary of the White House energy plan, Rep. Waxman releases a new report showing what has happened to energy prices and dependency on foreign oil since the release of the plan developed by Vice President Cheney's energy task force.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Reps. Waxman and Frank Renew Document Request After HUD Chief’s Comments about Political Test for Contracts

In a letter to HUD Secretary Jackson, Reps. Waxman and Frank renew their request for documents relating to Department contracts after the Secretary’s conflicting explanations for his comment that he decided not to award a contract to a contractor with “a heck of a proposal” because the contractor expressed a negative view of the President.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Defense Department Plans to Block Transport of Gasoline to Iraq

In a letter to Secretary Rumsfeld, Rep. Waxman asks why the Defense Department recently decided to prohibit an American contractor from using a military border crossing to deliver essential fuels from Kuwait to Iraq.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Rep. Waxman Questions HHS, CDC Censorship of Conference Session

In a letter to HHS Secretary Leavitt, Rep. Waxman asks why HHS and CDC censored a conference session critical of abstinence-only education in response to political pressure.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Katrina Contracts Rife with Waste, Fraud, and Abuse

In a memo for today’s hearing, Rep. Waxman summarizes new audits obtained by the Committee that reveal widespread waste, fraud, and mismanagement in key contracts for rebuilding the Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina.

Displaying Items 651 to 675 of 1458:

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