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Antarctic Sciences (ANT) Discoveries

NSF's public investment in science, engineering, education and technology helps to create knowledge and sustain prosperity. Read here about the Internet, microbursts, Web browsers, extrasolar planets, and more... a panoply of discoveries and innovations that began with NSF support.

Showing: 1-14 of 14 | Search Discoveries

Photo of juvenile northern elephant seals on the beach at Ano Nuevo. How Penguins & Seals Survive Deep Dives
Jessica Meir goes to extreme environments to learn how birds and mammals thrive in conditions that humans cannot tolerate, and she tells readers all about it
Released  July 31, 2009
Eight thumbnail images and 2008 in Review 2008: Year in Review
A look back at some of the NSF-supported advances and activities that made news last year
Released  March 13, 2009
Researchers collect data in Greenland. Researchers Peek Under Ice Sheets for Clues on Climate Change
Synthetic aperture radar technology provides world-class data
Released  December 18, 2008
Photo of emperor penguins approaching field camp at Cape Washington, Antarctica A Season at the Penguin Ranch in Antarctica
A veteran Antarctic researcher talks about the whys and hows of studying the diving physiology and behavior of emperor penguins on the "Ice"
Released  May 19, 2008
Photo of the CTD/rosette that contains sampling bottles and instruments. How Desert Dust Feeds the World's Oceans
Scientists sample dust and trace metals in seawater to learn more about climatic change
Released  May 9, 2008
Photo shows Gretchen Hofmann and Tom Crombia carrying out a "field repair" on the rover. High School Students Build Antarctic Submersible
Two female high school graduates build an underwater, camera-equipped "rover" that can operate beneath polar ice
Released  April 14, 2008
2007 In Review 2007: Year in Review
A look back at some of the NSF-supported advances and activities reported last year
Released  January 30, 2008
Photo shows Sam Bowser holding a sea star found at McMurdo Sound. Clues to Waterproof Glue Found in Antarctic Creature
Understanding how forams build their shells could lead to stronger biological adhesives
Released  January 2, 2008
Ice shelf and sea Demise of Antarctic Ice Shelf Reveals New Life
A research expedition to the site of the former Larsen B ice shelf leads to the discovery of an underwater habitat surviving in the most extreme conditions
Released  July 26, 2007
2006 in Review 2006: Year in Review
A look back at some of the NSF-supported activities highlighted last year
Released  January 9, 2007
NSF South Pole research station Cold Flashes: Astrophysics at the South Pole
What one scientist calls the world’s weirdest telescope was built to detect high-energy particles, not the light from distant stars. In 1997, AMANDA recorded the first precise map of neutrinos from outer space as they zipped through Antarctic ice.
Released  October 13, 2004
diver from Norbert Wu's Antarctic team and a medusa (Desmonema glaciale) beneath the ice Antarctic Treasure: The Underwater Images of Norbert Wu
Each year NSF enables a select group of artists to visit Antarctica. Norbert Wu, a world-renowned photographer and cinematographer, returned with new views of an otherworldly realm in his spectacular high definition film, "Under Antarctic Ice."
Released  July 9, 2004
Group of researchers on James Ross Island Antarctica Yields Two Unknown Dinosaur Species
Antarctic researchers in separate sites, thousands of miles apart, find what they believe are the fossilized remains of two species of dinosaurs previously unknown to science.
Released  June 9, 2004
Microscopic images of bacteria Bacteria May Thrive in Antarctica's Buried Lake Vostok
Two investigations suggest that bacteria may thrive in Lake Vostok, a suspected lake thousands of meters below the Antarctic ice sheet -- and that microbes could thrive in similarly hostile solar system outposts, such as Jupiter's icy moon, Europa.
Released  December 9, 2003

Showing: 1-14 of 14

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