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Found 15 studies with search of: (NCCAM) [SPONSOR] (low back pain) [CONDITION]
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1 Recruiting Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine in Pregnancy: Physiologic and Clinical Effects
Conditions: Low Back Pain;   Pregnancy
Interventions: Other: Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment;   Other: Placebo Ultrasound;   Other: Standard Care
2 Recruiting Dose of Spinal Manipulation for Chronic Low Back Pain
Condition: Low Back Pain
Interventions: Procedure: Spinal Manipulation;   Procedure: Light Massage;   Procedure: Pulsed Ultrasound
3 Active, not recruiting Efficacy of Acupuncture for Chronic Low Back Pain
Condition: Low Back Pain
Intervention: Procedure: acupuncture
4 Completed Physical CAM Therapies for Chronic Low Back Pain
Condition: Chronic Low Back Pain
Interventions: Procedure: massage therapy;   Procedure: chiropractic;   Procedure: acupuncture
5 Active, not recruiting Effect of Yoga Vs. Stretching on Chronic Back Pain
Condition: Chronic Non-specific Low Back Pain
Interventions: Behavioral: Yoga;   Behavioral: Exercise;   Behavioral: Self-care book recommendations
6 Completed Pilot Study to Test the Effectiveness of Combining Conventional and Complementary Medicine to Treat Low Back Pain
Condition: Low Back Pain
Interventions: Behavioral: Integrative care for low back pain;   Behavioral: Conventional treatment for low back pain
7 Completed Evaluating Yoga for Chronic Low Back Pain
Condition: Low Back Pain
Interventions: Behavioral: Yoga;   Behavioral: Exercise
8 Completed Massage, Meditation, and Tai Chi for Chronic Lower Back Pain
Condition: Low Back Pain
Interventions: Behavioral: Tai chi;   Behavioral: Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction program;   Procedure: Therapeutic massage
9 Recruiting Soft Tissue Biomechanical Behavior During Acupuncture in Low Back Pain
Condition: Low Back Pain
Intervention: Other: Acupuncture
10 Active, not recruiting Effects of Electrical Acupuncture and Exercise in Older Adults With Chronic Low Back Pain
Condition: Low Back Pain
Interventions: Procedure: Percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (PENS);   Behavioral: General conditioning and aerobic exercise (GCAE)
11 Active, not recruiting Acupuncture Analgesia in Relation to Psychiatric Comorbidity
Condition: Low Back Pain
Intervention: Procedure: acupuncture
12 Completed Usual Care Vs Choice of Alternative Rx: Low Back Pain
Condition: Acute Low Back Pain
Interventions: Procedure: Acupuncture;   Procedure: Chiropractic;   Procedure: massage
13 Active, not recruiting Effect of Massage on Chronic Low Back Pain
Condition: Chronic Low Back Pain (Non-Specific, Uncomplicated)
Intervention: Procedure: massage
14 Completed Using MRI Scans to Evaluate Spinal Manipulation
Condition: Lower Back Pain
Intervention: Procedure: Lumbar side-posture spinal adjusting
15 Recruiting Effect of Spinal Manipulation on Sensorimotor Functions in Back Pain Patients
Condition: Low Back Pain
Interventions: Other: HVLA-SM;   Other: LVVA-SM;   Other: light effleurage followed by SMT

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