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Found 6 studies with search of: (NCCAM) [SPONSOR] (alpha-lipoic acid) [TREATMENT]
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1 Completed Painful HIV Neuropathy and Alpha-Lipoic Acid
Conditions: HIV;   Peripheral Neuropathy
Intervention: Drug: Alpha-Lipoic Acid
2 Completed Immune Restoration by Lipoic Acid in AIDS
Conditions: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome;   HIV Infections
Intervention: Drug: Alpha Lipoic Acid
3 Completed Antioxidant Functions of Lipoic Acid
Condition: Hypercholesterolemia
Intervention: Drug: lipoic acid
4 Completed Natural Antioxidants in the Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis
Condition: Multiple Sclerosis
Interventions: Drug: Ginkgo biloba;   Drug: Alpha-lipoic acid;   Drug: Vitamin E/Selenium;   Drug: Essential fatty acids
5 Active, not recruiting A Study of the Pharmacokinetics and Immunologic Effects of Lipoic Acid in Multiple Sclerosis
Condition: Multiple Sclerosis
Interventions: Drug: oral lipoic acid (LA);   Drug: lipoic acid (LA) with fish oil and LA without fish oil;   Drug: R lipoic acid
6 Completed Fish Oil and Alpha Lipoic Acid in Treating Alzheimer's Disease
Conditions: Alzheimer's Disease;   Oxidative Stress;   Dementia;   Hyperlipidemia;   Inflammation
Interventions: Drug: Fish oil;   Drug: Alpha lipoic acid

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