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European Agency for Safety and Health at Work

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08.10.2009 What do Europeans think about their working conditions?

A Pan-European opinion poll recently run by EU-OSHA provides current and reliable data on people’s perception of their working environment.

According to the findings, there is widespread concern among European citizens that the current economic crisis could adversely affect health and safety at work. A majority of them also consider it an important factor when choosing a new job. 

The results can be accessed in English (EU27) or by Member State in national languages.

Access the results

Press release

08.10.2009 EU-OSHA enters the blogosphere

The Agency has started to blog – a new way to exchange information with its online audience about occupational safety and health issues. In the first post Jukka Takala, EU-OSHA Director, explains that the Agency plans to use the blog, and other social media, as a more direct communication tool to ensure that our work is relevant to your information needs.

The role of the web users will be crucial: “Only you can make these new tools useful, so we hope that you will participate actively”!

Go to the EU-OSHA Blog


28.09.2009 OSH in the school curriculum: requirements and activities in the EU Member States

To underpin occupational safety and health (OSH) education in schools and colleges it is necessary to formalise it in curriculum requirements. This report reviews how the Member States are including OSH and risk education in their national curricula. The report shows that there is considerable progress and activity in this respect at both primary and secondary education levels in terms of both implemented and planned actions in the Member States. The report also identifies some success factors for mainstreaming OSH into education curricula.

Read  the report

Read Factsheet 82 - OSH in the school curriculum — Member State activities. A Summary

28.09.2009 EU-OSHA calls for tender: foresight of OSH emerging risks in “green jobs” and four projects to carry out data analysis

EU-OSHA launches two calls for tender

1. Foresight of new and emerging risks to occupational safety and health (OSH) associated with new technologies in “green jobs" in the scope of the mission of its European Risk Observatory to anticipate OSH risks - OSHA/C/ROU/2009/02
- published in Official Journal no. S183 on 23/09/2009
- deadline: 16/11/09
Download the Call for Tender

2. Secondary analyses of the data gathered through the European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER) - OSHA/C/ROU/2010/01
- published in Official Journal no. S191 on 03/10/2009
- deadline: 27/11/2009
Download the Call for Tender

28.09.2009 Preventing risks to young workers: policy, programmes and workplace practices

Young workers (15–24 years) are a very vulnerable group when it comes to occupational safety and health (OSH). However, the majority of OSH risks are preventable — whether they involve young or older workers — by applying the principles of risk assessment and putting in place the necessary preventive measures. To support information exchange on best practice, the agency has produced a report about how the occupational safety and health of young workers can be managed at policy and practice level. The report includes a variety of case studies and also identifies some success factors for prevention.

Read the Report

Read Factsheet 83 - Good practice in preventing risks to young workers. A Summary

Read our Single Entry Point about Young Workers


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