Neutron Sciences Internal
Thursday, August 13, 2009   


Internal Staff Area Access Request

Non-ORNL Users

The public can request access to the Neutron Sciences Staff Area but non-ORNL users must first request an external user computer access account (XCAMS). Once a non-ORNL user has their XCAMS username and password they may REQUEST ACCESS to the internal Neutron Sciences Staff Area.

ORNL Employees

Please do not register for an XCAMS user account if you already have a UCAMS account. Instead, please login using your UCAMS account. If you are not able to login, you need to REQUEST ACCESS to the internal Neutron Sciences Staff Area. If you are not able to login to request access, you may need to activate your XCAMS/UCAMS account before you request internal access.


 * Requires XCAMS/UCAMS password
** Requires ORNL UCAMS password
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Updated Friday, March 21, 2008 - 1,258