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There was a report in CongressDaily today that the Congressional Budget Office has scored the Tri-committee's Discussion Draft on Health Care Reforms. That report was was based on fabricated information. 

The Huffington Post follows up on the CongressDaily article here - CBO: Numbers On House Health Care Bill Are Fake

The Congressional Budget Office has not scored the House health care reform discussion draft, Melissa Merson, a CBO spokeswoman, confirmed to the Huffington Post.

Additionally, the Press Offices of the House Ways and Means, Energy and Commerce and Education and Labor Committees released the following statement today in response to the inaccurate report:

“This report is premature and entirely fabricated. In fact, none of the reporters working on this piece contacted our press offices to fact check their story. The three House committees are still working to develop legislation and have not yet received a score from CBO on the discussion draft. As the three chairmen have made clear, our health care reform legislation will be paid for and we’re still considering revenue options.”
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