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SNS Procurement Standardization/Standard Items

Standard items*:

* Login required; all files are PDF files. Access request.

A project the magnitude of SNS requires consistent and common applications in many respective areas among six different laboratories. One area requiring consistent attention is in the area of standardized parts or products to avoid redundant documentation justifying purchases while ensuring the item meets the requirements of the SNS project. Therefore, items appearing on the SNS standardization list are:

  • Determined to be the only acceptable one for a particular application and will not be substituted for without the specific approval of the SNS standardization manager, or person responsible for approving deviations to standard items. Approved as technically accepted as the standard for the SNS project. Further sole source documentation is not required by any partner laboratory procuring parts from the SNS standardization list.
  • Available from the referenced sources on the standardization list at the prices listed therein and does not require additional competition. Such purchases shall be deemed to be competitive as a result of action taken by SNS prior to placing an item on the standardization list.
  • Suggestions to include standardization items on the central SNS list will be forwarded to the SNS Procurement Department and QA office for consideration after review and concurrence by respective division directors. For more information about purchasing agreements, visit the DOE Integrated Contract Purchasing Team (ICPT) web site at the following address:


SNS Directed Procurement information is located here.
(Note: The Directed Procurement Web page is password protected.
Use your Face Base password to access.)

To view an example of a successful Justification for Standardization of Equipment (the PLC units justification), click here (PDF file; SNS Facebase login required).

Justification for Deviation from Standardization (under development)


  Information Contact : neutronscience@ornl.gov  

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Office of Science