N C C A M: The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Expanding horizons of health care

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Message from the Director: Public Mission

December 11, 2008

Yesterday, NCCAM and the National Center for Health Statistics released the results of a survey on the use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in the United States. The report confirms that CAM practices are a frequently used component of Americans health care regimens. Whether people use CAM for chronic health conditions or to prevent disease and maintain wellness, these approaches are a part of health care in America today.

What did we learn?

As we approach NCCAM's 10-year anniversary and begin a new strategic planning process, we will use these data to guide our investment in CAM research. The data clearly show that chronic pain and natural products are areas of high public use; they are also areas where the scientific evidence is mounting. Through building an evidence base for these CAM practices, we hope to guide appropriate integration of these practices into improved health care for all Americans.

We continue to encourage patients and their doctors, pharmacists, nurses and other providers to discuss CAM within the context of overall health and well being.

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