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Internship Program

The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) is a small, independent agency of the United States Government. Since 1971, OPIC has served as the key federal agency for encouraging mutually beneficial American business investment in the world’s developing nations. OPIC provides qualified investors with project financing, investment insurance, and a variety of investor services in approximately 150 developing nations and emerging economies throughout the world.

OPIC encourages U.S. overseas private investment in sound business projects, thereby improving U.S. global competitiveness, creating U.S. jobs and increasing U.S. exports. The projects that OPIC supports must not result in the loss of U.S. jobs and must provide significant benefits to the social and economic development of the host country.

Specifically, OPIC:

  • insures U.S. investors against certain political risks (currency inconvertibility, expropriation, war, revolution, insurrection and civil strife);
  • finances private sector and mixed public/private projects through loans and loan guaranties; and
  • provides pre-investment consulting services to U.S. companies that are considering investments aboard.

OPIC maintains a robust internship program, offering challenging opportunities to more than one hundred college students every year. Two categories of internships are available, each with their own distinct requirements and application process.

  • General internships are available in OPIC's Insurance Department, Finance Department, Investment Funds Department, Office of Investment Policy, Office of External Affairs, and various sections of the Office of the Chief Financial Officer.
  • Legal internships are offered by OPIC's Department of Legal Affairs.

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