Note: Deadline for registration was November 11, 2003. Registration is now closed.

Draft Agenda updated 11-06-03
Confirmed Speakers
Registration Information
Registration now closed
Poster Session
Instructions for Presenters
Hotel Reservations
Airline Transportation
Airline Ground Transportation
Workshop Venue
Weather in Knoxville
What to do in Knoxville



Advanced Neutron Scattering netWork for Education and Research (ANSWER) is one of the first three International Materials Institutes (IMI) being established with the support from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF). The objectives of the ANSWER are to:

  • develop an international network of researchers and educators who are actively involved in "neutron-scattering materials research with a focus on mechanical behavior of materials" from universities, industries, and neutron facilities worldwide;
  • facilitate the exchange of scientific information through collaborative research projects;
  • develop a world-class work force in neutron science by providing US students, scientists, and engineers opportunities to access the research programs and facilities in the US and other countries;
  • identify and lead innovative materials-research efforts; and
  • establish international internet-based virtual institutes.


The first annual ANSWER workshop is planned to gather international neutron-scattering materials research community and provide a forum for the discussion of current and future research activities and ideas. Specific topics of the oral and poster presentations will include:

  • neutron-scattering facilities and instruments;
  • mechanical behavior of materials including plastic deformation, twinning, fatigue, and creep;
  • residual stresses;
  • microstructure and phase transformation; and
  • theoretical modeling.

Furthermore, a discussion session is scheduled for the planning and coordination of the ANSWER activities and businesses for the upcoming year. The specific agenda for the business session will include:

  • discussion on areas of important and innovative research for joint research programs,
  • current status of the international collaborative research projects,
  • progress reports by ANSWER Fellows and evaluation,
  • planning of the Exchange Programs for the following year, and
  • tutorials for students and researchers who are new to neutron scattering including tours of neutron facilities at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Support for the workshop is provided by the National Science Foundation, University of Tennessee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Oak Ridge Associated Universities.

ANSWER Contacts

 Confirmed Speakers

Keynote/Invited Speakers

  • Y. Akiniwa (Nagoya University, Japan)
  • I. Anderson (Spallation Neutron Source, Oak Ridge National Lab, USA)
  • D. Brown (Los Alamos Neutron Science Center, Los Alamos National Lab, USA)
  • H. Choo (University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Lab, USA)
  • P. Dawson (Cornell University, USA)
  • L. Edwards (Open University, UK)
  • T. Egami (University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Lab, USA)
  • A. Ekkebus (Spallation Neutron Source, Oak Ridge National Lab, USA)
  • Z. Feng (Metals and Ceramics Div., Oak Ridge National Lab, USA)
  • T. Gnaeupel-Herold (NIST Center for Neutron Research, NIST, USA)
  • C. Hubbard (Metals and Ceramics Div., Oak Ridge National Lab, USA)
  • C. Huber (National Science Foundation, USA)
  • B. Kad (University of San Diego, USA)
  • O. Kirstein (ANSTO, Australia)
  • D. Klarstrom (Haynes International, USA)
  • A. Krawitz (University of Missouri, USA)
  • C. Lee (HANARO, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, South Korea)
  • P. Liaw (University of Tennessee, USA)
  • A. Lodini (Reims University, France)
  • T. Mason (Spallation Neutron Source, Oak Ridge National Lab, USA)
  • P. Nash (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA)
  • C. Noyan (IBM, USA)
  • J. Pang (Metals and Ceramics Div., Oak Ridge National Lab, USA)
  • A. Pyzalla (Technical University of Vienna, Austria)
  • K. Rajan (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA)
  • C. Rawn (Metals and Ceramics Div., Oak Ridge National Lab, USA)
  • J. Richardson (Intense Pulsed Neutron Source, Argonne National Laboratory, USA)
  • W. Reimers (Technical University Berlin, Germany)
  • J. Roberto (Physical Sciences, Oak Ridge National Lab, USA
  • G. Sarma (Computer Science and Mathematics, Oak Ridge National Lab, USA)
  • W. Soboyejo (Princeton University, USA)
  • S. Speakman (Metals and Ceramics Div., Oak Ridge National Lab, USA)
  • C. Tome (Materials Science and Technology, Los Alamos National Lab, USA)
  • F. Tompkins (University of Tennessee, USA)
  • E. Üstundag (California Institute of Technology, USA)
  • R. Vaidyanathan (University of Central Florida, USA)
  • X. Wang (Spallation Neutron Source, Oak Ridge National Lab, USA)

 Registration Information

Deadline for registration was November 11, 2003. Registration is now closed.

As part of your conference registration fee, each registrant will be provided with copies of presentations submitted before November 12. Registration includes food at breakfast, lunch, and breaks; and Sunday evening reception; and Monday dinner.

Scholarships are available for faculty and graduate students at U.S. colleges and universities through support provided by Oak Ridge Associated Universities and other organizations. Members of underrepresented groups in the sciences are encouraged to apply. Scholarships are requested on the registration form. You will be asked to identify in detail the amount and purpose of the financial support you will need in addition to waiving registration fee and 3-4 nights lodging in the conference hotel. Also include a statement concerning the applicability of the conference to your research interests. Remember, many conference meals are provided. Rental cars will not be needed.

 Poster Session

A poster session is scheduled on Monday evening, November 17, at the Hilton Knoxville. Scholarship recipients may wish to display their research at the poster session. To be considered for this session, please send a 200-word abstract describing the research, along with the names of all of the authors and their affiliations to Posters should be no larger than 30 inches high by 48 inches long. They can be attached by push pins, which will be supplied by conference organizers. You will be notified by November 10 of the abstract’s acceptance. Abstracts will be available for all conference attendees in a handout at the conference. 

 Instructions for Presenters

Presenters are strongly encouraged to submit their presentations in PowerPoint format before their arrival in Knoxville; anyone using other software or other presentation formats, such as viewgraphs or 35-mm slides, needs to contact Al Ekkebus at as soon as possible. This submission will allow the conference center staff to help you avoid confusion at the conference by checking the presentation on the software to be used at the conferences. Also, a limited number of copies of each presentation will be distributed on the day of each presentation; copies will be made only of presentations received by November 12. The PowerPoint presentations should be submitted to Al Ekkebus at by November 12; he will confirm with all submitters whether we make copies of all presentations, 2 slides per page, no color. Subject to approval by speakers, we will post all the talks on our web site; the talks will be posted in PDF format. 

 Hotel Reservations

Hilton Knoxville
501 West Church Street
Knoxville, TN 37902-2591
Reservations: (865) 251-2578
Rate: $55 (GSA) Single; $75 Double
Cut-off Date: October 31, 2003
Online registration code is ORL.

 Airline Transportation

Knoxville's McGhee Tyson Airport has the symbol TYS. Airline service is provided by airlines such as American Eagle, Conair, Continental Express, Delta, Northwest, and United. U.S. Airways. Airport and airline information can be found at

 Airline Ground Transportation

Taxis and major automobile rental agencies are located at the airport. Taxi fare to the Hilton Hotel in downtown Knoxville is $15–20.

 Workshop Venue

The workshop will be held at the Hilton Knoxville Hotel, 501 West Church Street, Knoxville, TN.

 Weather in Knoxville

For November 16–20, the average high temperature is 60, and the average low temperature is 41, with about 11 hours of daylight. The forecast can be found at

 What to do in Knoxville

The visitors guide to Knoxville and surrounding areas is available at

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