Reviewing Energy-Related and Environmental Exports

Ex-Im Bank's financing for fossil-fuel energy development has generated congressional concern. High energy prices worldwide may increase interest in Ex-Im Bank financing for renewable energy projects.

Full Report of GAO-02-1024 (PDF, 39 pages)

In addition, the United States in recent years has worked through the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development to develop common environmental policies for export credit agencies. Ex-Im Bank has established an Office of Renewable Energy and Environmental Exports to coordinate efforts to increase financing in these areas. Ex-Im Bank management could consider reviewing current energy and environmental export policies and consider whether there may be additional opportunities to expand bilateral or multilateral support for environmentally focused development projects.

Highlights of GAO-03-1093 (PDF)

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Export Credit Agencies: Movement Toward Common Environmental Guidelines, but National Differences Remain
GAO-03-1093, September 10, 2003
Export-Import Bank: Energy Financing Trends Affected by Various Factors
GAO-02-1024, September 16, 2002
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Loren Yager

Director, International Affairs and Trade

(202) 512-4347