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Conditions of Image and Data Use


All images at PLANTS are free for non-commercial scientific and educational uses. Conditions of use vary as follows, and acknowledgement is required:

Non-copyrighted images: Use of these public domain PLANTS images is unrestricted (i.e., free for any use) and requires no notification of the photographer or the PLANTS Database.

Copyrighted images: Copyrighted images may be freely used for any non-commercial purpose. However, any use of copyrighted images requires notification of the copyright holder, and any commercial use must be disclosed to and conditions of use negotiated with the copyright holder. Use by non-profit organizations in connection with fund-raising or product sales is considered commercial use. Please see the Usage Guidelines displayed with each picture for the copyright holder's contact information, and use it to contact them directly regarding any use of copyrighted images.

Acknowledgement: Any use of any PLANTS image requires proper credit to the photographer or illustrator, copyright holder, institution, and the PLANTS Database. Here are two examples of appropriate acknowledgment:

©M. Kat Anderson
NPDC @ PLANTS Database
Robert Mohlenbrock
USDA, NRCS, 1997 - Northeastern Wetlands Flora @ PLANTS Database


Linking: Linking to images requires no permission, and we welcome it.


Plant Information

Our plant information, including the distribution maps, lists, and text, is not copyrighted and is free for any use.


Linking to PLANTS

Please feel free to link to the PLANTS database, its individual pages, and its images. Here's how.