#174; Project No. P062106 “Section 2 Hearings;” Notice of Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Public Hearings and Opportunity for Comment on: “Consumer Benefits and Harms: How Best to Distinguish Aggressive, Pro-Consumer Competition from Business Conduct to Attain or Maintain a Monopoly”

  1. Anielski, Susan (12/16/2006) #522292-00023
  2. Cisco Systems (Chandler, Mark) (5/31/2006) #522292-00005
  3. Cohen, Milstein, Hausfeld & Toll, P.L.L.C. (Hausfeld, Michael) (12/1/2006) #522292-00019
  4. Eiszner, James (5/22/2006) #522292-00004
  5. Evans, David (8/8/2006) #522292-00006
  6. Evans, David (8/10/2006) #522292-00009
  7. Evans, David (10/5/2006) #522292-00012
  8. Evans, David (10/10/2006) #522292-00014
  9. Grimes, Warren (11/20/2006) #522292-00016
  10. Grimes, Warren (11/20/2006) #522292-00017
  11. Hewlett-Packard Company (Fromm, Jeff) (4/25/2006) #522292-00002
  12. Information Access Alliance (Hahn, Karla) (12/12/2006) #522292-00021
  13. International Chamber of Commerce (MacLeod) (12/15/2006) #522292-00022
  14. International Chamber of Commerce (MacLeod, William) (1/12/2007) #522292-00026
  15. McDougall, Daniel (4/10/2006) #522292-00001
  16. United States Chamber of Commerce (Josten, R. Bruce) (9/5/2006) #522292-00008
  17. Vermed (Kalich, Richard) (9/1/2006) #522292-00007
  18. Waller, Spencer (10/25/2006) #522292-00013
  19. Hovenkamp, Herbert, "Antitrust and the Dominant Firm: Where do we Stand?"

Last Modified: Tuesday, 12-Feb-2008 11:43:00 EST