# 231; Project No. P074403; “Beyond Voice: Mapping the Mobile Marketplace.”
Town Hall Meeting at FTC May 6-7, 2008 to Explore the Evolving Mobile Commerce (M-commerce) Marketplace and its Implications for Consumer Protection Policy

  1. American Academy of Pediatrics (Jenkins, Renee) (3/18/2008) #534331-00004
  2. Avery, Peter (5/9/2008) #534331-00017
  3. Center for Democracy & Technology (Morris, John) (3/17/2008) #534331-00002
  4. Children Now (Espejo, Eileen) (6/5/2008) #534331-00019
  5. CMOR: Promoting & Advocating Survey & Opinion Research (Fienberg, Howard) (3/17/2008) #534331-00003
  6. Consumer Federation of America et al (Grant, Susan) (5/2/2008) #534331-00016
  7. CTIA - The Wireless Association (Altschul, Michael) (5/1/2008) #534331-00014
  8. Hoofnagle, Chris (3/26/2008) #534331-00005
  9. Mobile Marketing Association (Marriott, Laura) (4/29/2008) #534331-00009
  10. Mobile Marketing Association (Marriott, Laura) (4/29/2008) #534331-00010
  11. Mobile Marketing Association (Marriott, Laura) (4/29/2008) #534331-00011
  12. Mobile Marketing Association (Marriott, Laura) (4/29/2008) #534331-00012
  13. Mobile Marketing Association (Marriott, Laura) (4/29/2008) #534331-00013
  14. Opera Software (Ford, Thomas) (6/4/2008) #534331-00018
  15. Rudolph, Larry (2/25/2008) #534331-00001
  16. Rule, Scott (4/21/2008) #534331-00008
  17. T-Mobile USA (Wolverton, Amy) (4/10/2008) #534331-00006
  18. Wireless Foundation (Diggs, David) (5/2/2008) #534331-00015

Last Modified: Wednesday, 11-Jun-2008 08:19:00 EDT