Public Comments:

Factors that Affect Prices of Refined Petroleum Products


  1. Bassman, Bob ( for Petroleum Marketers Association of America)
  2. Chretien, Larry (Massachusetts Energy Consumers Alliance) (August 2, 2001)
  3. Coleman, Mary et al. (LECG LLC) (August 2, 2001)
  4. Columbus,  R. Timothy ( for Society of Independent Gasoline Marketers of America) (August 2, 2001)
  5. Consumer Federal of America
  6. Cooper, Benjamin S (American Petroleum Institute Association of Oil Pipe Lines)(September 14, 2001) [PDF 605KB]
  7. John Cook (Energy Information Administration) Power Point
  8. Federal Trade Commission: Midwest Gasoline Price Investigation (March 29, 2001)
  9. Felmy, John (American Petroleum Institute) (August 2, 2001)
  10. Gilbert, Richard (University of California at Berkeley) (June 1, 2001)
  11. Hastings, Justine (Dartmouth College) [PDF 1.9MB]
  12. Independent Fuel Terminal Operators Association ( September 14, 2001) [PDF 407KB]
  13. Lieberman, Ben Charles (Competitive Enterprise Institute) (June 14, 2001)
  14. Mckeeman, Jay (for California Independent Oil Marketers Association) (August 2, 2001)
  15. Murphy, Edward (American Petroleum Institute) (August 2, 2001)
  16. Plummer, James (Consumer Alert) [PDF 176KB]
  17. Rasmussen, Jon A. (Energy Information Administration) Power Point
  18. Right, Mike (Testimony on behalf of AAA) [PDF 429KB]
  19. Senators Herb Kohl and Mike Dewine (September 14, 2001)
  20. Shapiro, Carl (West Coast Crude Oil and Gasoline Prices) [PDF 2.4MB]
  21. Slocum, Tyson (Pulic Citizen) [PDF 85KB]
  22. Verleger, Philip K. (PKVerleger LLC and The Brattle Group) [PDF 3.9MB]
    1. September 14, 2001 - Submission [PDF 2.9MB]

Last Modified: Monday, 25-Jun-2007 12:17:00 EDT