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Use of Wildcards in Searches of the PLANTS Database

* - The asterisk is used to represent one to many Characters. It can be used anywhere in the parameter.

{blue*} - Returns all of the records where the parameter begins with "blue."

  • Bluegrass
  • Blue blade wheat
  • NOT - Western bluegrass

{*wheat} - Returns all of the records where the parameter ends with "wheat."

  • Wheat
  • Blue blade wheat
  • NOT - Western wheatgrass

{*Rye*} - Returns all of the records where any part of the parameter contains "rye."

  • Rye
  • Rye washing grass
  • New York Rye
  • Western ryegrass

{blue*grass} - Returns all of the records where the parameter begins with "blue" and ends with "grass."

  • Bluegrass
  • Blue blade grass
  • NOT - Western bluegrass

_ - The Underline character is used in the same way as the asterisk, but represents a single character only.

{Blu_grass} - This matches one and only one character

  • Bluegrass
  • Blubgrass
  • NOT - Western bluegrass
  • NOT - Blue grass