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. Handling Misconduct

. Introduction

. Technical Assistance
. Complainant
. Respondents
. Allegations
. Preliminary Assessment
. Inquiries
. Investigations
. Institutional Decision
. ORI Oversight Review
. PHS/HHS Decision
. Hearings
. Administrative Actions
. Case Summaries
. Legal Concerns
. Forensic Tools


Handling Misconduct - Administrative Actions

The administrative actions PHS/HHS may take against respondents who have a finding of research misconduct made against them include, but are not limited to:

  • debarment from eligibility to receive Federal funds for grants and contracts,
  • prohibition from service on PHS advisory committees, peer review committees, or as consultants,
  • certification of information sources by respondent that is forwarded by institution,
  • certification of data by institution,
  • imposition of supervision on the respondent by the institution,
  • submission of a correction of a published article by respondent, and
  • submission of a retraction of a published articles by respondent.

  • Which administrative actions, the number of administrative actions, and the length of the administrative actions depends on the seriousness of the misconduct, the impact of the misconduct, and whether the misconduct demonstrates a pattern of behavior. Administrative actions are usually imposed for 3 years, but have ranged from 1 year to a lifetime. ORI generally relies on the cooperation of the institution where the respondent is currently employed to assist in implementing administrative actions.

    A list of individuals currently under PHS Administrative Actions is available on the PHS Administrative Actions Bulletin Board. Individuals are removed from the bulletin board when the administrative actions expire.

    The Excluded Parties List System (EPLS) is an electronic, web-based system that identifies all parties excluded from receiving Federal contracts, certain subcontracts, and certain types of Federal financial and non-financial assistance and benefits including researchers who have been debarred for research misconduct.

    Related Pages


    » PHS Administrative Action Bulletin Board

    » Excluded Parties List System

    This page last was updated on November 27, 2007
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