Plant and Soil Sciences


Forage Extension Home

Department of Plant and Soil Sciences

Agronomy Extension

Agronomy Publications

Cooperative Extension Service


Contacts   Forage Information


State Forage Extension Specialists


Garry D. Lacefield

Univ. of Kentucky Research & Education Center
1205 Hopkinsville Street
P.O. Box 469
Princeton, KY 42445-0469

(270) 365-7541 ext. 202


*Biographical Information


S. Ray Smith

Dept. of Agronomy
N-222E Agricultural Science Building - North
Lexington, KY 40546-0091

(859) 257-3358


*Biographical Information



County Extension Agents  Agent Directory

See the County Agent Directory to find your local source for agricultural information.




Forage News

Monthly updates on the latest forage information.


Forage Publications


Forage Decision Aids


Forage Books


Hay Related Links


Weather Related Links


Forage Related Links


Forage Variety Trials


Horse Links


Variety Trials: Other States


Ten Keys to a Profitable Forage Program


Kentucky Conference Proceedings & Awards


KY Forage & Grassland Council


American Forage & Grassland Council



Southern Pasture & Forage  Crop Improvement Conference

May 10-12, 2009

Lexington, KY

Registration Program

Hotel Registration Poster/Abstr. Instr.


American Forage & Grassland Conference

June 21-24, 2009

Grand Rapids, MI



UK Equine Field Day

June 27, 2009

UK Maine Chance/Spindletop Research Farm

Lexington, KY



UK All Commodity Field Day

July 23, 2009

UK Research & Education Center

Princeton, KY



National Hay Association Conference

September 17-19, 2009

Deadwood, SD




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