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Agriculture Subject Guide


Guide to Internet resources on tropical agriculture especially those that relate to Hawaii and the Pacific Islands

= Resource only available to authorized UH Manoa users.

Finding Books, Journals and Dissertations

Hawaii Voyager | Search Guide (PDF)

Hawaii Voyager is the catalog for all of the University of Hawaii libraries. Search Hawaii Voyager for books, journals, videos, and more. Do not use it to find specific journal articles on a topic. Go to Finding Journal Articles for links to those tools.

Electronic Resources

Use this database to find electronic journals, e-books, and databases that are available through the Library. Most resources are only accessible to UHM faculty, students, and staff.

Ebrary Online Books

Web access to over 22,000 books across many subjects. Most titles are cataloged in Hawaii Voyager, but access through this link allows searching the contents of all of the e-books in our subscription. To view a book, first download the free Ebrary reader.

Dissertations and Theses

Includes citations for doctoral and master's work from more than 1,000 graduate schools and universities dating back to 1861. More than 750,000 dissertations and theses from 1997 on have been digitized and are available in pdf format. Citations for dissertations from 1980 forward include abstracts.

CTAHR Theses and Dissertations

Searchable database containing over 1,500 citations for CTAHR graduate theses and dissertations starting with the first one in 1914 and continuing through 2001.

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Finding Journal Articles

AGRICOLA via EbscoHost: 1970 - present | Search Guide (PDF) | AGRICOLA via NAL (free): 1970 - present

Citations, most with abstracts, for publications in agriculture and related areas such as nutrition, biotechnology, and botany.

American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) Technical Library: 1999 - present

Searchable database of full text of all ASAE technical documents including journals, conference proceedings, standards, technical meetings, and books.

Biological Abstracts via Web of Knowledge (ISI): 1969 - present

Citations with abstracts for journal articles covering all aspects of the life sciences dealing with animals, plants and microorganisms.

CAB Abstracts via EbscoHost: 1973 - present | Search Guide (PDF)

Citations with abstracts to international literature in the agricultural sciences, including tropical agriculture, and related areas of applied biology. This database covers tropical crops particularly well.

CTAHR Journal Series: 1934 - 2001

Database containing thousands of citations to journal or peer reviewed articles published by CTAHR faculty.

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Animal Science

Breeds of Livestock

Fact sheets on breeds of cattle, goats, horses, sheep, and swine and miscellaneous livestock. Breed information generally includes history or origin as well as photographs. From the Department of Animal Science, Oklahoma State University.

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Crop Production

Farmer's Bookshelf: Information on Tropical Crop Production in Hawai'i

Covers fruits, home garden vegetables, nutraceuticals, ornamentals, and commercial vegetables. The pages on specific crops are comprehensive; topics dealt with for each crop include: climatic requirements; cultivars; planting; culture; disease and insect control; fertilization; harvesting and handling; and, marketing. Produced by the Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences Department, CTAHR.

The Overstory: International Journal for Agroforestry

Free email journal for practitioners, researchers, professionals, and enthusiasts is archived on this site. Each issue focuses on a concept related to designing, developing, and learning more about trees and agroforestry systems.

Plants Database

From the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, this database provides standardized information about the vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the U.S. and its territories. It includes names, plant symbols, checklists, distributional data, species abstracts, characteristics, images, plant links, references, crop information, and automated tools.

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Pest and Disease Control

Extension Pesticides Programs

Links to training classes and special local needs registration information; from Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences, CTAHR.

Hawaii Pesticide Information Retrieval System (HPIRS)

Database containing information on pesticides currently licensed for distribution and sale in Hawaii.

Knowledge Master

From the UH Extension Entomologists and CTAHR Integrated Pest Management Program, this site contains general information on pest hosts, distribution, damage, biology, and management in the form of pest summaries.

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FAO Statistics

Links to FAO statistical databases such as FAOSTAT which includes statistics on agriculture, nutrition, fisheries, forestry, food aid, land use and population; also more specialized databases such as FAOSTAT-Agriculture and FAOSTAT Forestry.

Hawaii Agricultural Statistics

Access to the annual statistical report, specialized crop reports, crop weather, crop thefts, and more; includes archives back to 2000. From Hawaii State DoA and USDA's NASS Hawaii Field Office.

Hawaii Census and Population

Includes county profiles, housing data, maps, etc.; from DBEDT.

Hawaii State Data Book

Official summary of statistics on the social, economic, and political organization of Hawaii; access to Data Books from 2000 to current; from DBEDT.

U.S. Census of Agriculture

Taken every five years, the agriculture census includes information on land use and ownership, operator characteristics, production practices, income and expenditures and many other areas; access to historical documents from 1840 to 1950 and to the most current ones; produced by the USDA's NASS.

USDA Economic Research Service Publications

Access to electronic publications including research and outlook reports and State Fact Sheets.

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General Agriculture

AgNIC: Agriculture Network Information Center

AgNIC includes a searchable database for quality agricultural information on the Web selected by the National Agricultural Library, land-grant universities, and other agricultural institutions.

CRIS: Current Research Information System

CRIS is the USDA's documentation and reporting system for ongoing and recently completed research projects in agriculture, food and nutrition, and forestry.

EDIS: Electronic Data Information Source of UF/IFAS Extension

Provides searchable access to the large collection of peer-reviewed publications produced by University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agriculture Science.

e-answers: Your Extension Information Source

Provides searchable access to information on a wide range of subjects from Extension Service and Agricultural Experiment Station professionals at more than 50 U.S. land grant universities.

FAO Corporate Document Repository

Searchable access to full-text electronic versions of FAO publications; covers topics such as crop and livestock production systems, hunger and food security, commodity markets, climate change, nutrition, fisheries, forests, and rural livelihoods.

Food & Fertilizer Technology Center (FFTC) Publication Database

Full-text reports and newsletters about small-scale agriculture in Asia; reports cover livestock, plant protection, soils and fertilizers, vegetables and fruit, grain and root crops, food processing, post-harvest technology, and farm management.

PEOPLE:Portable Extension Office for Program Literature Exchange

Links to full-text agriculture documents on the Web with an emphasis on tropical island environments.

Sustainable Agriculture in Hawaii

Annotated links to resources about sustainability, agri-entrepreneurship, farm as habitat, organic production techniques, animal production, and agroforestry; from CTAHR, UH Manoa.

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Citation Styles and Using Endnote

Citing Your Sources in CSE Style (pdf)

A guide to formatting references in the Council of Scientific Editors (CSE) style. To print, select double-sided printing, short-edged binding.

CSE was formerly named the Council of Biology Editors (CBE). The manual is located in the Science & Technology Wing reference section at T11 .S386 2006.

Note: CSE advises including a lot of information in addition to the standard bibliographic elements for Internet based resources, even those with a print format, such as articles found in JSTOR.

Citation Guides & Style Manuals

Links to a selection of Web-accessible style guides.

Endnote: A Bibliographic Management Tool

Endnote bibliographic management software is available as to UH faculty, students, and staff as ITS site licensed software, see Endnote Site License for the form to fill out.

To import citations into an Endnote library from a UHM licensed database, use the Direct Export feature, if available. Otherwise, use the database specific Endnote filter to import your saved search results into your library. Connection files do not work with UHM licensed databases.

Introduction to Endnote (pdf)

A guide to Endnote X1. To print, select double-sided printing, short-edged binding, to create a 3-fold pamphlet.

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Related UH Links

Agricultural Development in the American Pacific (ADAP) Project

College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR), University of Hawai'i at Manoa

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Last updated on 21 May 2008 (Eileen Herring:

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