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Facility Management

210 Cheshire Avenue

FM_Home Images (NEW)

FM_Home Overview (NEW)

The City of Eugene has over 2 million square feet of facilities, which includes City Hall, community centers, fire stations, libraries, performing art venues, parking garages, swimming pools and park structures, as well as general City office buildings. The current General Fund inventory is 113 buildings and structures totaling nearly 902,000 square feet, with a replacement value of nearly $190 million.


Faciity Management programs include:

  • Project Management for the design and construction of new and remodeled City facilities 
  • Maintenance and repair of City public buildings and structures.
  • Building Operations, including custodial services
  • Energy Management and Green Building programs
  • Facility Strategic Planning
  • Downtown and Park Blocks maintenance
  • Security, including access control, lock and key, security alarms and fire alarms
  • Property & Lease Management services 
  • Facility Condition assessment of City buildings
  • Public Art Trust Fund management and maintenance

FM_Home Mission Statement
The mission of the Facility Management Division is to plan, build, maintain and operate City facilities. As a team of professionals, we provide leadership and guidance to the organization; we listen, anticipate and respond to the needs of those we serve.  Foremost, we are responsible and accountable stewards of the public's investment in City facilities.

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FM_HOME Contact Info


Contact Information:

Facility Management Division
210 Cheshire Avenue, Eugene, OR  97401

phone - (541) 682-2690
fax - (541) 682-6222
Facility Management Division

FM_HOME Map and Directions

 Travel Directions & Map

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