"Poisonous Plants of North Carolina," Dr. Alice B. Russell, Department of Horticultural Science; In collaboration with: Dr. James W. Hardin, Department of Botany; Dr. Larry Grand, Department of Plant Pathology; and Dr. Angela Fraser, Department of Family and Consumer Sciences; North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, North Carolina State University.

Disclaimer-- The list of poisonous plants on this web site does not necessarily include every poisonous plant that is known, or that might be found in an urban landscape or home. North Carolina State University does not advise eating any of the plants included in this web site. The information concerning edibility is taken from the literature, and the degree of reliability is unknown. We discourage the use of any of these plants for self medication. In cases of accidental exposure or ingestion, contact the Poison Control Center 1-800-222-1222.

Other Links of Interest:
Cornell University Poisonous Plants Page
Canadian Poisonous Plants Information System