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Alexandria, VA 22314-3428
Phone: (703) 518-6330
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Media Release


NCUA External Affairs Deputy Moves to Treasury

October 25, 2007, Alexandria, VA – National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) Associate Director of External Affairs Justin Grove was selected to serve on special detail at the U.S. Department of Treasury. Grove will advise and assist Treasury officials with task forces and initiatives dealing with financial education and current issues facing the economy.

"While we are sorry to be without Justin's services during this detail,” Chairman JoAnn Johnson said, “I am pleased that the priority NCUA has given to financial literacy initiatives, manifested in activities on behalf of and the various Treasury conferences on providing financial services to underserved consumers, has received this level of recognition. From his position at the Department of Treasury, Justin will be able to continue his stewardship of these important issues."

“The key to progress on financial literacy is cooperation,” Treasury’s Deputy Assistant Secretary Dan Iannicola, Jr. said. “Treasury is grateful to the NCUA for its spirited and consistent support of financial education initiatives throughout the federal government and across the country. Chairman Johnson’s action today is an example of that strong support.”

As the lead agency for the Financial Literacy and Education Commission, the U.S. Department of Treasury coordinates the financial education efforts throughout the federal government, supports the promotion of financial literacy by the private sector and encourages synchronization of efforts between the public and private sectors.

Among his responsibilities at Treasury, Grove will expand on the role he played at NCUA as Chairman Johnson’s hands-on representative enhancing and refining the website, the federal government's primary financial education resource, and development of the NCUA’s financial education website

Grove began his tenure at NCUA in November 2005. Prior to that, he served in the White House from 2001-2005, in the Office of Presidential Correspondence.  Grove began his career in the Texas Governor’s Office, working for then-Governor George W. Bush.

The National Credit Union Administration is the independent federal agency that regulates, charters and supervises federal credit unions. NCUA, with the backing of the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, also operates and manages the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund, insuring the deposits of over 86 million account holders in all federal credit unions and the majority of state-chartered credit unions.