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Bees Are Not an Option
Host: Catherine Puckett
Tagged: biology  bees  pollinators  PollinatorWeek  phenology 

It's Pollinator Week 2009, and we're talking to USGS scientist Sam Droege about the tremendous importance of native bees and pollinators in general, and how you can lend a hand to these tiny titans.

Like eating fresh fruits and vegetables? Think agriculture is important to our society? Then you'll want to pay attention to this CoreCast.

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New Climate Change Forecasts
Host: Jessica Robertson
Tagged:   ClimateChange  environment 

Climate change is happening across the entire Nation and is projected to continue in the future with widespread impacts.

USGS Chief Scientist for Global Change Research Virginia Burkett fills us in on a new report that provides the most current climate change projections, outlines potential impacts, and provides recommendations for future actions.

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Hazard Roundup—April/May 2009
Host: Brian Campbell
Tagged: hazards  roundup 

A roundup of the April and May 2009 hazard-related events around the world, with some newsworthy tidbits.

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The Heavens on Earth
Host: Marisa Lubeck
Tagged: earth  moon  geology  NASA  lunar  minerals 

Man-made moon dirt, or regolith, has been created by the USGS to help NASA prepare for upcoming moon explorations. USGS scientist Steve Wilson talks about this "mission critical" project.

Images are available in the Details/Transcript section as well as on the USGS Multimedia Gallery at:

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Magnitude 4.7 in Greater Los Angeles Area
Host: Scott Horvath
Tagged: earthquake  hazards 

Late on May 17, 2009, a magnitude 4.7 earthquake struck in the Greater Los Angeles area.

We spoke with Ken Hudnut, a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey to fill us in on the details.

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USGS Geophysicist John Power Updates on Mt. Redoubt
Host: Brian Campbell
Tagged: hazards  redoubt  volcanoes 

USGS Geophysicist John Power discusses the recent flare up in earthquake activity at Mt. Redoubt and the likelihood of another eruption in the near future.

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Sand Dunes on the Loose Due to Climate Change
Host: Jessica Robertson
Tagged: ClimateChange  sand_dunes  Navajo  NativeAmerican 

Climate change is increasing the mobility of sand dunes in the Southwest, posing threats to roadways, infrastructure, human health, cultural practices of the Navajo Nation, and much more. Vegetation on dunes serves as a stabilizer, but as the climate warms and precipitation decreases, there is less vegetation growth.

USGS scientist Margaret Hiza and intern Leanna Begay discuss their research to understand the dunes' plant diversity and what changes are occurring. 

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Hazard Roundup—March 2009
Host: Brian Campbell
Tagged: hazards  roundup 

A roundup of the March 2009 hazard-related events around the world, with some newsworthy tidbits.

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Magnitude 6.3 Earthquake in Central Italy
Host: Scott Horvath
Tagged: Italy  earthquakes  hazards  geology  seismic   

Early this morning, April 06, 2009, a magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck near Rome, Italy.

We spoke with Stuart Sipkin, a geophysicist at the USGS National Earthquake Information Center to fill us in on the details.

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USGS Crews Measure Historic Flooding in Fargo, N.D.
Host: Jennifer LaVista
Tagged: hazards  floods  water  personnel 

USGS scientists continue to monitor streamflow during the historic flooding taking place in Fargo, N.D. This information provides critical information used to estimate flood dangers and helps protect lives and property.

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Page Last Modified: Monday, July 13, 2009