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Evaluation Reports - PIMS

PIMS - Evaluation Reports

Available on the OMH web site:

Evaluation of the Cultural Competency Curriculum Modules

The purpose of this two-year evaluation was to determine the impact of the CCCMs on physicians' knowledge, attitudes, and skills in the provision of culturally competent care.

Curriculum modules (available at no cost)

Evaluation: The Two-Year Evaluation Report of the Cultural Competency Curriculum Modules (CCCMs) [PDF | 556KB]

Assessment of State Minority Health Infrastructure and Capacity to Address Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities

The purpose of this study was to 1) assess the nature and extent of the minority health infrastructure and capacity to address issues of health disparity, especially by race and ethnicity, in eight States and one territory, and 2) identify those factors that contribute to, or detract from, the establishment and sustained support for minority health entities at the State or territory level.

A Community Approach to Address Health Disparities: THRIVE (Toolkit for Health & Resilience In Vulnerable Environments)

The purpose of this project was to develop a community asset evaluation tool to assist communities in advancing resiliency factors in support of Healthy People 2010 and its goal of eliminating health disparities.

A Community Approach to Address Health Disparities: THRIVE (Toolkit for Health & Resilience In Vulnerable Environments) - Final Report

Available from the HHS Policy Information Center

Final reports on all policy-relevant studies and evaluations sponsored by HHS, including those available on this website and others funded by OMH, are generally available through the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE)'s Policy Information Center (PIC) database. This searchable database is available at: The PIC database includes relevant studies of other federal departments and agencies as well as selected privately-sponsored reports.

More information on these projects can be obtained via the PIC and its Library, in the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, at

Completed Projects:

PIC # 6247: Evaluation of the Bilingual/Bicultural Services Demonstration Grant Program

PIC # 6674: National Study of Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Managed Care Organizations

PIC # 7013: Assessment of State Minority Health Infrastructure and Capacity to Address Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities

PIC # 7097: Development of a Uniform Information/Data Set and Collateral Products for Assessing Impacts of OMH-funded Activities

PIC #7260: Development of National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) in Health Care

PIC #7479: Assessment of State Laws, Regulations, and Practices Affecting the Collection and Reporting of Racial and Ethnic Data by Health Insurers and Managed Care Plans

PIC # 7497: Development of a Research Agenda on Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health Care

PIC # 7711: Assessing the Impact of Patient-Provider Language Barriers on the Cost and Quality of Health Care

PIC # 7861: A Community Approach to Address Health Disparities: THRIVE (Toolkit for Health & Resilience In Vulnerable Environments)

PIC # 7862: Evaluation of the Office of Minority Health Resource Center and Its Capacity to Meet the Needs of Users

PIC # 7865: Cultural Competency Assessment Tool for Hospitals: An Application of the Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) Standards

PIC # 8615: An Evaluation of Tribal Data Use to Eliminate Health Disparities among Northwest Tribes

PIC # 8625: Evaluation of the Cultural Competency Curriculum Modules for Physicians

Ongoing Projects:

PIC # 7863: Assessment of Data Collection and Reporting Policies and Practices in the Conduct of Community-Based Screening Programs by National African American Organizations

PIC # 7996: Development and Testing of Cultural Competency Nursing Modules

PIC # 8231: Evaluation of Statistical Methods for Data Collection and Analysis on Racial and Ethnic Minorities and Other Hard-to-Reach Populations

PIC #8232: Implementation of a Uniform Data Set for Assessing Impacts of OMH-Funded Activities

PIC # 8233: Evaluating the Success of College-/University-Based Mentoring and Other Health Professions Development Programs in Recruiting Minorities into the Health Professions

PIC # 8234: Development of an Evaluation Protocol for Assessing Impacts of OMH-Funded Initiatives

PIC # 8614: Study of Trends in Public Awareness of Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health

PIC # 8664: Evaluating and Improving Responsiveness of State Emergency Preparedness Plans to Meet the Needs of Underserved Racial/Ethnic Minority Communities

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Content Last Modified: 6/15/2009 1:09:00 PM
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