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Pennsylvania Water Science Center

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) List

USGS Search Assistance: Frequently Asked Questions

Pennsylvania Water Science Frequently Asked Questions:

I. Water Information

1. How can I obtain streamflow and ground-water level data?
2. How do I get low-flow and flood frequency statistics?
3. Where can I get climatic data (precipitation, air temperature, windspeed, etc...)?
4. Where can I get river stage forecasts?
5. How do I get information on wetlands?
6. Where can I get information on tides and charts?
7. How can I get information on flood plains?
8. Where can I get information on Drought-related issues?

II. Water Quality and Health Issues

9. Where can I get the water from my local well tested?
10. Where can I get information on the health effects of radon
and other substances in water?
11. Where can I find water-quality standards that apply to
streams in Pennsylvania?
12. Where can I find standards for drinking water in Pennsylvania?
13. Where can I find consumption advisories that are in effect for
fish in Pennsylvania?

III. Mapping and Related Topics

14. How do I obtain a USGS topographic map?
15. How do I obtain satellite images?
16. How do I obtain an aerial photograph?
17. How do I get data on map projections and other data on how
USGS maps are made?
18. Where can I get information on benchmarks?
19. Where can I get information on datums and coordinate conversions?
20. Where can I get correction data for Global Positioning System (GPS) field files?
21. Where can I get information on the official names of physical and cultural geographic features or how to have unnamed features named?

IV. Geology and Related Topics

22. How can I get information on earthquakes?
23. Where can I get data on soils?
24. Where can I get geologic maps?
25. Where can I get information on Mineral Resources?

V. USGS Activities Pennsylvania and USGS Publications

26. How do I obtain a USGS publication?
27. How do I obtain information on projects and activities of
the USGS in Pennsylvania?
28. How can I get information on job openings in the USGS?
29. Where in Pennsylvania are USGS Water-Resources Division Offices located?

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Page Contact Information: Pennsylvania WSC Webmaster
Page Last Modified: Thursday, 09-Jul-2009 14:49:38 EDT