Records Managers

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Federal Agency Records Officers

Department of Commerce

Note: The Federal Agency Records Officer List is arranged alphabetically by agency and thereunder by subagency. For example, to find the Department of the Army, go to the Department of Defense and scroll down to the Department of the Army, after the Defense-wide organizations. Bureaus are listed in alphabetical order under the relevant Departments.

Daniel Rooney
Department of Commerce
Records Management

1401 Constitution Avenue NW
Washington DC 20230
James Murphy
Department of Commerce
Bureau of Economic Analysis

1441 L Street NW
Washington DC 20230
James Vidale
Department of Commerce
Bureau of Industry and Security

1401 Constitution Avenue NW
Washington DC 20230
Eric S. Smith
Department of Commerce
Bureau of the Census

4700 Silver Hill Rd
Washington, DC 22033
Nina Harris
Department of Commerce
International Trade Administration

14th & Constitution Ave. NW
Room 4001
Washington DC 20230
Donna Miller
Department of Commerce
National Institute of Standards and Technology

100 Bureau Drive
Room B35
Gaithersburg MD 20899-3221
Patricia Erdenberger
Department of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
1315 East West Highway
Room 10632
Silver Spring, MD 20910
301-713-3540 x 213
Kim Selstrom
Department of Commerce
National Technical Information Service

Sills Bldg.
5285 Port Royal Road
Springfield VA 22151
Susan Fawcett
Department of Commerce
US Patent and Trademark Office

600 Dulany St.
Madison West Service Center 4C18
Alexandria, VA 20314

Updated: January 16, 2009

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