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EducationHyphenIndustry Overview

The educational instruction provided by U.S. schools is the foundation on which the success of America is built.

With about 1 in 4 Americans enrolled in schools at all levels each year, the delivery of education services ranks among the nation's most important activities and responsibilities.

Preschool children, elementary and secondary students, postsecondary students, workforce adults, and retirees benefit from the broad-range of learning opportunities available from the various levels of educational institutions that makeup the U.S. education system.

The type and extent of education that individuals receive - from preschool to postsecondary - significantly influences the kind of jobs they will be able to obtain; the types of careers they will be able to establish; their annual and lifetime earnings, and their overall sense of personal and social well-being.

Governed primarily by state and local laws and regulations, the U.S. education system employs more than 13 million workers, with teachers accounting for the largest percentage of this total. The majority of teaching opportunities are found at local elementary, middle, and secondary schools, with public schools accounting for around 9 out of every 10 jobs and private schools the remainder.

About two-thirds of workers in U.S. education are directly involved with instruction - as teachers or aides - with the remaining one-third providing managerial, administrative, facilities maintenance, and other support services.

Some other professional opportunities available in the U.S. education industry include

In terms of the number of job and career opportunities, the U.S. education system is among the largest within the American economy. And with large numbers of retirements expected throughout the education workforce in the years ahead, many good entry, mid, and senior-level employment options will be opening across the country.

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