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MCSD Publications

The following is a sampling of reports and papers written or co-authored by staff of the NIST Mathematical and Computational Sciences Division which are available for on-line access. Note: Printed copies of these publications may be requested from Robin Bickel.

Linear Algebra ] [ Modeling in the Physical Sciences ] [ Numerical Algorithms ] [ Partial Differential Equations ] [ Software and Data Repository Technology ] [ Special Functions ] [ Other ]

(bullet) Alpert, B.K., Wavelets and Other Bases for Fast Numerical Linear Algebra in Wavelets: A Tutorial in Theory and Applications, C. K. Chui (Ed.) , Academic Press (New York) , 1992.
(bullet) Anuta, M.A., Lozier, D.W., Schabanel, N. and Turner, P.R., Basic Linear Algebra Operations in SLI Arithmetic in Workshop 10, Computer Arithmetic, Euro-Par'96, Lyon, France, August 27-29, 1996. Available as NISTIR 5811.
(bullet) Barrett, R., Berry, M., Chan, T.F., Demmel, J., Donato, J., Dongarra, J., Eijkhout, V., Pozo, R., Romine, C. and van der Vorst, H., Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems, SIAM Press (Philadelphia) , 1994.
(bullet) Boisvert, R. F., Algorithms for Special Tridiagonal Systems, SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing, 12 (2) , 1991, pp. 423-442.
(bullet) Choi, J., Dongarra, J., Pozo, R. and Walker, D., ScaLAPACK: A Scalable Linear Algebra Library for Distributed Memory Concurrent Computers in Proceedings of the Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computing, McLean, Virginia, October 19-21, 1992.
(bullet) Dongarra, J., Lumsdaine, A., Niu, X., Pozo, R. and Remington, K., A Sparse Matrix Library in C++ for High Performance Architectures in Proceedings of the Object Oriented Numerics Conference, Sunriver, Oregon, April 1994.
(bullet) Dongarra, J., Lumsdaine, A., Pozo, R. and Remington, K., IML++ v. 1.2 Iterative Methods Library Reference Guide, April 1996
(bullet) Dongarra, J., Pozo, R. and Walker, D., An Object Oriented Design for High Performance Linear Algebra on Distributed Memory Architectures in Proceedings of Object Oriented Numerics Conference, Sunriver, Oregon, April 25-27, 1993.
(bullet) Dongarra, J., Pozo, R. and Walker, D., LAPACK++: A Design Overview of Object-Oriented Extensions for High Performance Linear Algebra in Proceedings of Supercomputing '93, Portland, Oregon, November 1993.
(bullet) Lumsdaine, A., Pozo, R. and Remington, K., SparseLib++ v. 1.5 Sparse Matrix Class Library Reference Guide, April 1996
(bullet) Pozo, R., MV++ v. 1.5a Matrix/Vector Class Reference Guide, December 1994
(bullet) Pozo, R., Performance Modeling of Sparse Matrix Computations for Distributed Memory Architectures in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Proceedings of VAPP V / CONPAR 92, Lyon, France, September 1-3, 1992, Springer-Verlag.
(bullet) Pozo, R. and Smith, S., Performance Evaluation of the Parallel Multifrontal Method in a Distributed Memory Environment in Proceedings of the Sixth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, Norfolk, Virginia, March 22-24, 1993.
(bullet) Pozo, R. and Smith, S., Limited Resource Scheduling in Sparse Matrix Algorithms in Proceedings of the Scalable High Performance Computing Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee, May 1994.

(bullet) Ahmad, N.A., Wheeler, A.A., Boettinger, W.J. and McFadden, G.B., Solute trapping and solute drag in a phase-field model of rapid solidification, Physical Review E, (?).
(bullet) Anderson, D.M. and McFadden, G.B., A diffuse-interface description of internal waves in a near-critical fluid, Physics of Fluids, (in press).
(bullet) Anderson, D.M., McFadden, G.B. and Wheeler, A.A, Diffuse-interface methods in fluid mechanics, Annual Reviews of Fluid Mechanics, (in press).
(bullet) Anderson, D.M., McFadden, G.B. and Wheeler, A.A., A phase-field model of solidification with convection, Physica D, (in press).
(bullet) Anderson, D.M., McFadden, G.B. and Wheeler, A.A., A phase-field model with convection: numerical simulations in Proceedings of the Workshop on Interfaces for the Twenty-First Century, Monterey, California, August 16-18, 1999.
(bullet) Beichl, I., Teng, Y.A. and Blue, J.L., Parallel Monte Carlo Simulation of MBE Growth in Proceedings of the International Parallel Processing Symposium (IPPS95), 1995, pp. 46-52.
(bullet) Bennett, L.H., Donahue, M.J., Shapiro, A.J., Brown, H.J., Gornakov, V.S. and Nikitenko, V.I., Investigation of Domain Wall Formation and Motion in Magnetic Multilayers, Physica B, 233, 1997, pp. 356-364.
(bullet) Bennett, L.H., Wang, P.S. and Donahue, M.J., Artifacts in Magnetic Resonance Imaging from Metals, Journal of Applied Physics, 79, 1996, pp. 4712-4714.
(bullet) Boettinger, W.J., Coriell, S.R., Campbell, C.E. and McFadden, G.B., On the properties of alpha/alpha + beta diffusion couples, Acta Materialia , (in press).
(bullet) Braun, R.J., Cahn, J.W., McFadden, G.B., Rushmeier, H.E. and Wheeler, A.A., Theory of anisotropic growth rates in the ordering of an fcc alloy, Acta Materialia, (in press).
(bullet) Braun, R.J., Cahn, J.W., McFadden, G.B. and Wheeler, A.A., Anisotropy of interfaces in an ordered alloy: a multiple-order parameter model, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series A, (in press).
(bullet) Cahn, J.W., Han, S.C. and McFadden, G.B., Anisotropy of interfaces in an ordered HCP binary alloy, Journal of Statistical Physics, (in press).
(bullet) Dhagat, P., Glavinas, E., Jander, A., Porter, D.G., Indeck, R.S. and Muller, M.W., Trackwidth Dependence of Transition Jitter, Journal of Applied Physics, 79 (8) , April 1996, pp. 5652-5654.
(bullet) Donahue, M.J., A Variational Approach to Exchange Energy Calculations in Micromagnetics, Journal of Applied Physics, 83, 1998, pp. 6491-6493.
(bullet) Donahue, M.J., Bennett, L.H., Nikitenko, V.I. and et al., Complementary Imaging of Granular Co-Ag Films with Magneto-Optical Indicator Film Technique and Magnetic Force Microscopy, Journal of Applied Physics, 79, 1996, pp. 5315-5317.
(bullet) Donahue, M.J. and McMichael, R.D., Exchange Energy Representations in Computational Micromagnetics, Physica B, 233, 1997, pp. 272-278.
(bullet) Donahue, M.J., Porter, D.G., McMichael, R.D. and Eicke J., Behavior of muMAG Standard Problem No. 2 in the Small Particle Limit, Journal of Applied Physics, 87, 2000, pp. 5520-5522.
(bullet) Gérardin, O., Youssef, J.B., Le Gall, H., Vukadinovic, N., Jacquart, P.M. and Donahue, M.J., Micromagnetics of the Dynamic Susceptibility for Coupled Permalloy Stripes, Journal of Applied Physics, 88, 2000, pp. 5899-5903.
(bullet) Hunt, F.Y., Galler, M.A. and Martin, J.W., Microstructure of Weathered Paint and Its Relation to Gloss Loss: Computer Simulation and Modeling, Journal of Coatings Technology, 70 (880) , 1998, pp. 45-53.
(bullet) McFadden, G.B., Coriell, S.R. and Sekerka, R.F., Analytic solution for a non-axisymmetric dendrite, J. Crystal Growth, (in press).
(bullet) McFadden, G.B., Coriell, S.R. and Sekerka, R.F., Shape parameter for a non-axisymmetric isothermal dendrite, J. Crystal Growth, (submitted).
(bullet) McFadden, G.B., Wheeler, A.A. and Anderson, D.M., Thin interface asymptotics for an energy/entropy approach to phase-field models with unequal conductivities, Physica D, (submitted).
(bullet) McMichael, R.D. and Donahue, M.J., Head to head domain wall structures in thin magnetic strips, IEEE Trans. Mag., 33, 1997, pp. 4167-4169.
(bullet) McMichael, R.D., Donahue, M.J., Porter, D.G. and Eicke, J., Comparison of Magnetostatic Field Calculation Methods on 2-D Square Grids as Applied to a Micromagnetic Standard Problem, Journal of Applied Physics, 85, 1999, pp. 5816-5818.
(bullet) McMichael, R.D., Eicke, J., Donahue, M.J. and Porter, D.G., Domain Wall Traps for Low-Field Switching of Sub-Micron Elements, Journal of Applied Physics, 87, 2000, pp. 7058-7060.
(bullet) Nikitenko, V.I., Dedukh, L.M., Gornakov, V.S., Kabanov, Yu.P., Bennett, L.H., Donahue, M.J., Swartzendruber, L.J., Shapiro, A.J. and Brown, H.J., Spin Reorientation Transitions and Domain Structure in Magnetic Multilayers, IEEE Trans. Mag., 33, 1997, pp. 3661-3663.
(bullet) Nikitenko, V.I., Gornakov, V.S., Bennett, L.H., Chen, P.J. and et al., Magneto-Optical Indicator Film Study of the Magnetization of a Symmetric Spin Valve, IEEE Trans. Mag., 32, 1996, pp. 4639-4641.
(bullet) O'Sullivan, J.A., Agrawal, D., Porter, D.G., Indeck, R.S. and Muller, M.W., Magnetic Recording System Design to Reduce Medium Noise Through Signal Precompensation in Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Information Science and Systems, 1994, Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University (Princeton, NJ) , pp. 1152-1155.
(bullet) O'Sullivan, J.A., Porter, D.G., Indeck, R.S. and Muller, M.W., Recording Medium Properties and Capacity Bounds, Journal of Applied Physics, 75 (10) , May 1994, pp. 5753-5755.
(bullet) O'Sullivan, J.A., Porter, D.G., Indeck, R.S. and Muller, M.W., Physically Based Information Science of Magnetic Recording I. Information Capacity of a Medium Model, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 29 (6) , November 1993, pp. 4036-4038.
(bullet) Porter, D.G., Physically Based Models for Magnetic Recording Channels, May 1993, M. Sc. Thesis dissertation, St. Louis, MO: Washington University.
(bullet) Porter, D.G., Fundamental Limits on the Storage Capacity of Magnetic Recording Media, December 1996, D. Sc. thesis dissertation, Washington University, St. Louis, MO.
(bullet) Porter, D.G., Analytical Determination of the LLG Zero-Damping Critical Switching Field, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 34 (4) , July 1998, pp. 1663-1665.
(bullet) Porter, D.G., Glavinas, E., Dhagat, P., O'Sullivan, J.A., Indeck, R.S. and Muller, M.W., Irregular Grain Structure in Micromagnetic Simulation, Journal of Applied Physics, 79 (8) , April 1996, pp. 4695-4697.
(bullet) Porter, D.G., O'Sullivan, J.A., Indeck, R.S. and Muller, M.W., Physically Based Information Science of Magnetic Recording II. Physical Sources of Medium Noise, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 30 (6) , November 1994, pp. 4266-4268.
(bullet) Russek, S.E., Kaka, S. and Donahue, M.J., High-Speed Dynamics, Damping, and Relaxation Times in Submicrometer Spin-Valve Devices, Journal of Applied Physics, 87, 2000, pp. 7070-7072.
(bullet) Wheeler, A.A. and McFadden, G.B., On the xi-vector and a notion of stress in diffuse interface theories, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A, (in press).
(bullet) Wittmann, R.C., Alpert, B.K. and Francis, M.H., Near-Field Antenna Measurements using Non-Ideal Measurement Locations, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 46, 1998, pp. 716-722.
(bullet) Wittmann, R.C., Alpert, B.K. and Francis, M.H., Nonideal Measurement Locations in Planar Near-Field Antenna Metrology, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, July 14, 1997.
(bullet) Williams, D.F. and Alpert, B.K., Causality and Waveguide Circuit Theory, IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques, (Revised June, 1999. To appear).
(bullet) Williams, D.F. and Alpert, B.K., Characteristic Impedance, Power, and Causality, IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, 9, 1999, pp. 181-182.

(bullet) Alpert, B.K., High-Order Quadratures for Integral Operators with Singular Kernels, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 60, 1995, pp. 367-378.
(bullet) Alpert, B.K., Hybrid Gauss-Trapezoidal Quadrature Rules, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 20, 1999, pp. 1551-1584.
(bullet) Beichl, I. and Sullivan, F., Approximating the Permanent via Importance Sampling with Application to the Dimer Covering Problem, Journal of Computational Physics, (submitted).
(bullet) Bernal, J., On the Expected Complexity of the 3-dimensional Voronoi Diagram, 1990. Available as NISTIR 4321.
(bullet) Bernal, J., An Expected Linear 3-dimensional Voronoi Diagram Algorithm, 1990. Available as NISTIR 4340.
(bullet) Bernal, J., Bibliographic Notes on Voronoi Diagrams, 1993. Available as NISTIR 5164.
(bullet) Bernal, J., Inserting line segments into triangulations and tetrahedralizations, Actas de los VI Encuentros de Geometria Computacional, 1995.
(bullet) Bernal, J., Lexicographical manipulations for correctly computing regular tetrahedralizations with incremental topological flipping, 1999. Available as NISTIR 6335.
(bullet) Bernal, J. and Witzgall, C., Triangulation-based L1-fitting of terrain surfaces, 1999. Available as NISTIR 6346.
(bullet) Boggs, P. and Tolle, J., Sequential Quadratic Programming., Acta Numerica, 1995.
(bullet) Jakob-Chien, R. and Alpert, B.K., A Fast Spherical Filter with Uniform Resolution, Journal of Computational Physics, 136, 1997, pp. 580-584.
(bullet) Kearsley, A.J., The use of optimization techniques in the solution of partial differential equations from science and engineering, 1996, Technical Report and Ph.D. Thesis dissertation, Rice University, Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics.
(bullet) Kearsley, A.J., Boggs, P.T. and Tolle, J.W., A truncated SQP algorithm for large scale nonlinear programming problems in Proceedings 6th United States-Mexico Workshop on Numerical Analysis, Susana Gomez and Jean-Pierre Hennart (Ed.) , Kluwer Academic Publishers (Boston) , pp. 69-78.
(bullet) Kearsley, A.J., Boggs, P.T. and Tolle, J.W., On the convergence of a trust region SQP algorithm for nonlinearly constrained optimization problems in Proceedings of the 17th IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modeling and Optimization, J. Dolezal (Ed.) , Chapman, London, (to appear).
(bullet) Kearsley, A.J., Cowsar, L.C., Glowinski, R., Wheeler, M.F. and Yotov, I., The feasibility of a new optimization approach to multiphase flow, (?), Technical Report, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill, New Jersey.
(bullet) Kearsley, A.J., Gockenbach, M.S. and Symes, W.W., An infeasible point method for minimizing the Lennard-Jones potential, 1993, TR 93-47, Department Computational & Applied Mathematics, Rice University.
Note: Submitted to Computational Optimization and Applications
(bullet) Kearsley, A.J., Tapia, R.A. and Trosset, M., On the solution of the isotonic regression problem on parallel computers in Springer Lecture Notes Festschrift fur Professor Dr. Klaus Ritter, Springer Verlag, (To appear).
(bullet) Kearsley, A.J., Tapia, R.A. and Trosset, M., The Solution of the Metric STRESS and SSTRESS Problems in Multidimensional Scaling Using Newton's Method, 1994, TR 94-44, Department Computational & Applied Mathematics, Rice University.
Note: Submitted to Computational Statistics
(bullet) Pozo, R., A Stream-Based Interface in C++ for Programming Heterogeneous Systems in Environments and Tools for Parallel Scientific Computing, Dongarra, J. (Ed.) , North-Holland, 1993.
(bullet) Saunders, B.V. and Wang, Q., Using Numerical Grid Generation to Facilitate 3D Visualization of Complicated Mathematical Functions, November 1999. Available as NISTIR 6413.
(bullet) Saunders, B.V. and Wang, Q., From 2D to 3D: Numerical Grid Generation and the Visualization of Complex Surfaces in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Numerical Grid Generation in Computational Field Simulations, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, September 25-28, 2000.
(bullet) Wolfe, C.M., Rust, B.W., Dunn, J.H. and Brown, I.E., An Interactive Nonlinear Least Squares Program, 1987, National Bureau of Standards Technical Note 1238.

(bullet) Alpert, B., Beylkin, G., Gines, D. and Vozovoi, L., Adaptive Solution of Partial Differential Equations in Multiwavelet Bases, May 1999.
Note: Submitted
(bullet) Alpert, B., Greengard, L. and Hagstrom, T., An Integral Evolution Formula for the Wave Equation, Journal of Computational Physics, 162, 2000, pp. 536-543.
Note: Erratum: Equation (10) should be G3(r,t)=1/(2 pi r)
(bullet) Alpert, B., Greengard, L. and Hagstrom, T., Rapid Evaluation of Nonreflecting Boundary Kernels for Time-Domain Wave Propagation, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 37, 2000, pp. 1138-1164.
(bullet) Boisvert, R.F., A fourth-order accurate Fourier method for the Helmholtz equation in three dimensions, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 13 (3) , 1987, pp. 221-234.
(bullet) Boisvert, R.F. and Kahaner, D.K., DEQSOL and ELLPACK: Problem Solving Environments for Partial Differential Equations, ONR Far East Information Bulletin, 16 (1) , 1991, pp. 7-19.
(bullet) Mitchell, W.F., MultiGrid Galerkin Hierarchical Adaptive Triangles (MGGHAT) User's Guide Version 1.1, 1994
(bullet) Mitchell, W.F., The Refinement-Tree Partition for Parallel Solution of Partial Differential Equations, NIST Journal of Research, 103 (4) , 1998, pp. 405-414.
(bullet) Mitchell, W.F., The Full Domain Partition Approach to Distributing Adaptive Grids in Applied Numerical Mathematics; Special issue for Proceedings of Grid Adaptation in Computational PDEs: Theory and Applications, 1998, 26, pp. 265-275.
(bullet) Mitchell, W.F., Refinement Tree Based Partitioning for Adaptive Grids in Proceedings of the 7th SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, 1995, SIAM, pp. 587-592.
(bullet) Mitchell, W.F., MGGHAT User's Guide Version 1.1, 1997 Available as NISTIR 5948.
(bullet) Mitchell, W.F., The Full Domain Partition Approach to Parallel Adaptive Refinement in Grid Generation and Adaptive Algorithms, IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, 113, Springer-Verlag, 1998, pp. 151-162.
(bullet) Mitchell, W.F., A Parallel Multigrid Method Using the Full Domain Partition in Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis; Special issue for proceedings of the 8th Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods, 1998, 6, pp. 224-233.
(bullet) Mitchell, W.F., A Comparison of Three Fast Repartition Methods for Adaptive Grids in Proceedings of the Ninth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, 1999.
(bullet) Mitchell, W.F., The Full Domain Partition Approach for Parallel Multigrid on Adaptive Grids in Proceedings of the Eighth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, 1997.
(bullet) Mitchell, W.F., The K-way Refinement Tree Partitioning Method for Adaptive Grids.
(bullet) Mitchell, W.F., Unified multilevel adaptive finite element methods for elliptic problems, 1988, Ph.D. thesis dissertation, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL.
Note: Technical report UIUCDCS-R-88-1436
(bullet) Pozo, R. and Remington, K., Fast Three-Dimensional Elliptic Solvers on Distributed Network Clusters, in Parallel Computing: Trends and Applications, , Joubert, Trystram, D., Peters, F., Evans, D., (Ed.) , Elsevier, 1994.

(bullet) Anuta, M.A., Lozier, D.W. and Schabanel, N. and Turner, P.R., Basic Linear Algebra Operations in SLI Arithmetic in Proc. Euro-Par'96 LNCS 1124, 1996, Springer-Verlag, 2, pp. 193-202. Available as NISTIR 5811.
(bullet) Boisvert, R.F., The Architecture of an Intelligent Virtual Mathematical Software Repository, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 36, 1994, pp. 269-279.
(bullet) Boisvert, R.F., NIST's GAMS: A "Card Catalog" for the Computer User, SIAM News, 27 (8) , October 1994, p. 1.
(bullet) Boisvert, R.F., A Web Gateway to a Virtual Mathematical Software Repository in Electronic Proceedings of the Second International World Wide Web Conference, 1994.
Links:  postscript and html.
(bullet) Boisvert, R.F., Browne, S., Dongarra, J.J. and Grosse, E.H., Digital Software and Data Repositories for Support of Scientific Computing, in Advances in Digital Libraries, Springer-Verlag (NY) , 1995, pp. 61-72.
(bullet) Boisvert, Ronald F. and Miller, Bruce, Enhancing Interactivity of Software and Data Repositories with Java in Proceedings of the 15th IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation, Modelling and Applied Mathematics, A. Sydow (Ed.) , August 1997, Wissenshaft & Technik Verlag (Berlin) , 4, Series: Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science, pp. 767-772.
(bullet) Boisvert, Ronald F., Dongarra, Jack J., Pozo, Roldan, Remington, Karin A. and Stewart, G. W., Developing Numerical Libraries in Java, Concurrency: Practice and Experience, 10 (11-13) , 1998, pp. 1117-1129.
(bullet) Boisvert, R.F., Pozo, R., Remington, K., Barrett, R. and Dongarra, J., The Matrix Market: a web repository for test matrix data in The Quality of Numerical Software, Assessment and Enhancement, R.F. Boisvert (Ed.) , Chapman & Hall (London) , 1997, pp. 125-137.
(bullet) Carter, W.C., Langer, S.A. and Fuller, Jr., E.R., The OOF Manual: Version 1.0, November 1998 Available as NISTIR 6256.
(bullet) Choi, J., Dongarra, J., Pozo, R. and Walker, D., ScaLAPACK: A Scalable Linear Algebra Library for Distributed Memory Concurrent Computers in Proceedings of the Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computing, McLean, Virginia, October 19-21, 1992.
(bullet) Donahue, M.J. and Porter, D.G., OOMMF User's Guide, Version 1.0, September 1999 Available as NISTIR 6376.
(bullet) Dongarra, J., Lumsdaine, A., Niu, X., Pozo, R. and Remington, K., A Sparse Matrix Library in C++ for High Performance Architectures in Proceedings of the Object Oriented Numerics Conference, Sunriver, Oregon, April 1994.
(bullet) Dongarra, J., Lumsdaine, A., Pozo, R. and Remington, K., IML++ v. 1.2 Iterative Methods Library Reference Guide, April 1996
(bullet) Dongarra, J., Pozo, R. and Walker, D., An Object Oriented Design for High Performance Linear Algebra on Distributed Memory Architectures in Proceedings of Object Oriented Numerics Conference, Sunriver, Oregon, April 25-27, 1993.
(bullet) Dongarra, J., Pozo, R. and Walker, D., LAPACK++: A Design Overview of Object-Oriented Extensions for High Performance Linear Algebra in Proceedings of Supercomputing '93, Portland, Oregon, November 1993.
(bullet) Mitchell, W.F., StopWatch: A Module for Portable Measurement of Execution Time, Fortran Journal, 9 (1) , 1997.
(bullet) Mitchell, W.F., StopWatch User's Guide Version 1.0, 1997 Available as NISTIR 5971.
(bullet) Mitchell, W.F., A Fortran 90 Interface for OpenGL: Revised January 1998, 1998 Available as NISTIR 6134.
(bullet) Mitchell, W.F., The Fortran 90 Bindings for OpenGL, ACM Fortran Forum, 18, 1999, pp. 5-13.
(bullet) Mitchell, W.F., Devaney, J.E., Lipman, R., Lo, M., Edwards, M. and Clark, C.W., The Parallel Applications Development Environment (PADE) User's Manual
Note: distributed with the PADE software package
(bullet) Lumsdaine, A., Pozo, R. and Remington, K., SparseLib++ v. 1.5 Sparse Matrix Class Library Reference Guide, April 1996
(bullet) Pozo, R., MV++ v. 1.5a Matrix/Vector Class Reference Guide, December 1994
(bullet) Rice, John R. and Boisvert, Ronald F., From Scientific Software Libraries to Problem Solving Environments, IEEE Computational Science and Engineering Magazine, September 1996, pp. 44-53.

(bullet) Boisvert, R.F. and Saunders, B., Portable Vectorized Software for Bessel Function Evaluation, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 18 (4) , 1992, pp. 456-469.
(bullet) Lozier, D.W., Software Needs in Special Functions, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 66, 1996, pp. 345-358. Available as NISTIR 5490.
(bullet) Lozier, D.W., Toward a Revised NBS Handbook of Mathematical Functions, September 1997. Available as NISTIR 6072.
(bullet) Lozier, D.W., A Proposed Software Test Service for Special Functions in The Quality of Numerical Software: Assessment and Enhancement, Boisvert, R.F. (Ed.) , Chapman and Hall (London) , 1997, pp. 167-178. Available as NISTIR 5916.
(bullet) Lozier, D.W., The DLMF Project: A New Initiative in Classical Special Functions in Proc. International Workshop on Special Functions - Asymptotics, Harmonic Analysis and Mathematical Physics, Hong Kong, June 21-25, 1999.
(bullet) Lozier, D.W., Miller, B.R. and Saunders, B.V., Design of a Digital Mathematical Library for Science, Technology and Education in Proceedings of the IEEE Forum on Research and Technology Advances in Digital Libraries; IEEE ADL '99, Baltimore, Maryland, May 19, 1999. Available as NISTIR 6297.
Links:  html and postscript.
(bullet) Lozier, D.W. and Turner, P.R., Error-Bounding in Level-Index Computer Arithmetic in Numerical Methods and Error Bounds, G. Alefeld and J. Herzberger (Ed.) , Akademie Verlag (Berlin) , 1996, pp. 138-145.
(bullet) Lozier, D.W. and Olver F. , Numerical Evaluation of Special Functions, 1991.

(bullet) Alpert, B.K., A Class of Bases in L^2 for the Sparse Representation of Integral Operators, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 24, 1993, pp. 246-262.
(bullet) Boisvert, R.F., Building the DLMF; Information Technology Issues, March 1999.
Note: Slides of a presentation
(bullet) Boisvert, Ronald F., Blue, James, Donahue, Michael, Lozier, Daniel, Mitchell, William, Porter, Donald and Pozo, Roldan, Measurement and Standards Computational Science and Engineering, March 1999. ITL Bulletin, Information Technology Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology.
(bullet) Donahue, M.J., Geiger, D., Hummel, R. and Liu, T.L., Sparse Representations for Image Decomposition with Occlusions in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition --- CVPR '96, San Fransisco, June 1996, pp. 7-12.
(bullet) Donahue, M.J., Gurvits, L., Darken, C. and Sontag, E., Rates of Convex Approximation in Non-Hilbert Spaces, Constructive Approximation, 13, 1997, pp. 187-220.
(bullet) Hunt, F.Y., Finite Precision Representation of the Conley Decomposition, 1998. Available as NISTIR 6182.
(bullet) Kearsley, A.J. and Gockenbach, M.S., Optimal signal sets for non-Gaussian detectors, 1995, TR 95-11, Department Computational & Applied Mathematics, Rice University.
Note: Submitted to SIAM Journal on Optimization
(bullet) Blue, James (Ed.), Modeling and Simulation; A NIST Multi-Laboratory Strategic Planning Workshop, NIST, September 21, 1995.
(bullet) Liu, T.L., Donahue, M.J., Geiger, D. and Hummel, R., Image Recognition with Occlusions in Proc. 4th European Conf. on Computer Vision --- ECCV '96, London, April 1996, pp. 556-565.
(bullet) O'Sullivan, J.A., Snyder, D.L., Porter, D.G. and Moulin, P., An Application of Splines to Maximum Likelihood Radar Imaging, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, 4, 1992, pp. 256-264.
(bullet) Pozo, R., Performance Modeling of Parallel Architectures for Scientific Computing, 1991, PhD Thesis dissertation, University of Colorado. (advisor: O. McBryan).
(bullet) Pozo, R., Performance Simulation and Modeling of Numerical Computations on the Connection Machine CM-2 in Proceedings from the Twenty-third Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 30, 1992.
(bullet) Sterling, D., Chaotic Synchronization of Coupled Ergodic Maps, Chaos, August 2000.
Note: submitted
(bullet) Wang, Q. and Saunders, B., Interactive 3D Visualization of Mathematical Functions Using VRML, February 1999. Available as NISTIR 6289.

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