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Prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infections. In: Prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections in Massachusetts.


  • Prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infections. In: Betsy Lehman Center for Patient Safety and Medical Error Reduction, JSI Research and Training Institute, Inc. Prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections in Massachusetts. Part 1: final recommendations of the Expert Panel. Boston (MA): Massachusetts Department of Public Health; 2008 Jan 31. p. 83-9.


This is the current release of the guideline.



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Note from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) and the National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC):

Quality of evidence (I – III) and strength of recommendation (A – C) definitions are presented at the end of "Major Recommendations" field.

Basic Practices for Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI): Recommended for All Acute Care Hospitals

Provide Appropriate Infrastructure for Preventing CAUTI

  1. Provide and implement written guidelines for catheter use, insertion, and maintenance. A-II
    • Develop and implement facility criteria for acceptable indications for indwelling urinary catheter use.
    • Indications for indwelling urethral catheter use are limited, and include: (Gokula, Hickner, & Smith, 2004; Marklew, 2004)
      • Peri-operative use for selected surgical procedures
      • Urine output monitoring in critically ill patients
      • Management of acute urinary retention and urinary obstruction
      • To assist in pressure ulcer healing for incontinent residents
      • As an exception, at patient request to improve comfort
  1. Ensure that trained personnel insert urinary catheters. B-III
  2. Ensure that supplies necessary for aseptic technique catheter insertion are available. A-II
  3. Implement a system for documenting in the patient record: indications for catheter insertion, date and time of catheter insertion, individual who inserted catheter, and date and time of catheter removal. A-II
    • Include documentation in nursing flow sheet, nursing notes or physician orders. Documentation should be accessible in the patient record and recorded in a standard format for data collection and quality improvement purposes.
    • Electronic documentation that is searchable is preferred, if available.
  1. Ensure that there are sufficient trained personnel and technology resources to support surveillance for catheter use and outcomes. A-III

Perform Surveillance for CAUTI

  1. Identify the patient groups or units on which to conduct surveillance based on frequency of catheter use and potential risk (e.g. types of surgery, obstetric, critical care). B-III
  2. Use standardized criteria for defining a CAUTI to identify patients who have a CAUTI (numerator data). A-II
  3. Collect catheter days (denominator data) on all patients in the patient groups or units being monitored. A-II
  4. Calculate CAUTI rates for target populations. A-II
  5. Measure the use of indwelling urinary catheters B-II, including:
    • The percentage of patients with an indwelling urinary catheter inserted during hospitalization.
    • Percentage of catheter use with accepted indications.
    • Duration of indwelling catheter use.
  1. Use surveillance methods for case finding that are appropriate for the institution and documented to be valid. A-III

Education and Training

  1. Educate healthcare worker (HCW) about catheter related UTIs, including alternatives to indwelling catheters, procedures for catheter insertion, management and removal. A-III

Catheter Insertion: Measures to Prevent Infection

  1. Insert urinary catheters only when necessary for patient care, and leave in place only as long as indications remain. A-II
  2. Consider other methods of management including condom catheters or in and out catheterization, where appropriate. A-I
  3. Practice hand hygiene (based on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] or World Health Organization Guidelines) immediately before insertion of the catheter and before and after any manipulation of the catheter site or apparatus. A-III
  4. Insert catheters following aseptic technique and using sterile equipment. A-III
  5. Use gloves, drape and sponges, a sterile or antiseptic solution for cleaning the urethral meatus, and a single-use packet of sterile, lubricant jelly for insertion. A-III
  6. Use as small a catheter as possible consistent with proper drainage, to minimize urethral trauma. B-III

Ensure Appropriate Management of Indwelling Catheters

  1. Properly secure indwelling catheters after insertion to prevent movement and urethral traction. A-III
  2. Maintain a sterile, continuously closed drainage system. A-I
  3. Disconnection of the catheter and drainage tube is prohibited unless the catheter must be irrigated. A-I
  4. Replace the collecting system using aseptic technique and after disinfecting the catheter-tubing junction when breaks in aseptic technique, disconnection, or leakage occur. B-III
  5. For examination of fresh urine, collect a small sample by aspirating urine from the sampling port with a sterile needle and syringe after cleansing the port with disinfectant Transport urine specimens for culture promptly to the laboratory. A-III
  6. Obtain larger volumes of urine for special analyses aseptically from the drainage bag. A-III
  7. Maintain unobstructed urine flow. A-II
  8. Empty the collecting bag regularly using a separate collecting container for each patient. Avoid touching the draining spigot to the collecting container. A-II
  9. Keep the collecting bag below the level of the bladder at all times. A-III
  10. Cleaning of the meatal area with antiseptic solutions is unnecessary. Routine hygiene is appropriate. A-I
  11. To minimize cross-infection, avoid placing infected and uninfected patients with indwelling catheters in the same room or in adjacent beds. C-III

Special Approaches for Prevention of CAUTI: Recommended for Use in Locations and/or Populations within the Hospital for Which Outcome Data and/or Risk Assessment Suggest Lack of Effective Control Despite Implementation of Basic Practices.

  1. Implement an organization-wide program to identify and remove catheters that are no longer necessary using one or more methods documented to be effective. A-II
    • Develop and implement institutional policy requiring continual, usually daily, review of the necessity of continued catheterization.
    • Electronic or other types of reminders may be useful.
      • Implement automatic stop orders requiring renewal of order for continuation of the indwelling catheter.
      • Use standardized reminders placed into patient charts or part of the electronic patient record.
    • Implement daily ward rounds by nursing and physician staff to review all patients with urinary catheters and ascertain continuing necessity.
  1. Develop a protocol for management of post-operative urinary retention, including nurse directed use of intermittent catheterization and use of bladder scanners. B-I
    • If bladder scanners are used, indications for use must be clearly stated, and nursing staff must be trained on their use.
  1. Establish a system for analyzing and reporting data on catheter use and adverse events from catheter use. B-III
    • Define and monitor adverse outcomes in addition to CAUTI including catheter obstruction, unintended removal, catheter trauma, or reinsertion within 24 hours of removal.
    • For analysis, stratify measurements of catheter use and adverse outcomes by relevant risk factors (e.g., sex, age, ward, duration). Review data in a timely fashion, and report to appropriate stakeholders.

Approaches That Should Not Be Considered a Routine Part of CAUTI Prevention

  1. Do not routinely use silver coated or other antibacterial catheters. A-I
  2. Do not screen for asymptomatic bacteriuria in catheterized patients. A-II
  3. Do not treat asymptomatic bacteriuria in catheterized patients except prior to invasive urologic procedures. A-I
  4. Avoid catheter irrigation. A-I
    • Do not perform continuous irrigation of the bladder with antimicrobials as a routine infection prevention measure.
    • If obstruction is anticipated, closed continuous irrigation may be used to prevent obstruction.
    • To relieve obstruction due to clots, mucus, or other causes, an intermittent method of irrigation may be used.
  1. Do not use systemic antibiotics routinely as prophylaxis. A-II
  2. Do not change catheters routinely. A-III

Unresolved Issues

  1. Use of antiseptic solution versus sterile saline for meatal cleaning prior to catheter insertion.
  2. Use of antimicrobial coated catheters for selected patients at high risk of infection.


Quality of Evidence

I - Evidence from >1 properly randomized, controlled trial.

II - Evidence from >1 well-designed clinical trial, without randomization; from cohort or case-controlled analytic studies (preferably from >1 center); from multiple time-series; or from dramatic results from uncontrolled experiments.

III - Evidence from opinions of respected authorities, based on clinical experience, descriptive studies, or reports of expert committees.

Strength of Recommendation

A - Good evidence to support a recommendation for use.

B - Moderate evidence to support a recommendation for use.

C - Poor evidence to support a recommendation.


None provided




The type of supporting evidence is identified and graded for each recommendation (see "Major Recommendations").



  • Prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infections. In: Betsy Lehman Center for Patient Safety and Medical Error Reduction, JSI Research and Training Institute, Inc. Prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections in Massachusetts. Part 1: final recommendations of the Expert Panel. Boston (MA): Massachusetts Department of Public Health; 2008 Jan 31. p. 83-9.


The guideline was adapted from: Lo E, Nicolle L, et al. Detection and Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections in Acute Care Hospitals. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol (in press 2008).


2008 Jan 31


Betsy Lehman Center for Patient Safety and Medical Error Reduction - State/Local Government Agency [U.S.]
Massachusetts Department of Public Health - State/Local Government Agency [U.S.]


Massachusetts Department of Public Health


Massachusetts Healthcare-Associated Infections Expert Panel


Panel Members: Richard T. Ellison III, MD (Chair) Hospital Epidemiologist, Professor of Medicine, Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center; Mary Ellen Scales, RN, MSN, CIC (Vice-Chair) Manager, Infection Control, Baystate Medical Center; Mary Alexander, RN, Chief Executive Officer, Infusion Nurse's Society; Eric Alper, MD, Internal Medicine, University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center; Evie Bain, RN, Occupational Health & Safety, Massachusetts Nurses Association; Anne Baras, RN, Surgical Technology Department Chair, North Shore Community College; Karen Boudreau, MD, Medical Director, Healthcare Quality Improvement, Blue Cross Blue Shield of MA; Ann Marie Bourque, NP, President, New England Chapter of the National Conference of Gerontological Nurse Practitioners; Lou Ann Bruno-Murtha, MD, Medical Director, Infection Control Division Chief, Cambridge Health Alliance; Wanda Carey, RN, BSN, CIC, Manager, Infection Control, Caritas Norwood Hospital; Philip Carling, MD, Director, Infectious Diseases and Hospital Epidemiology, Caritas Carney Hospital; Donald Craven, MD, Chair, Infectious Disease, Lahey Clinic; Jane Foley, RN, Director of Operations, Nursing, Beth Israel-Deaconess Medical Center; Denise Graham, Sr. Director Public Policy, Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology; Paula Griswold, MS, Executive Director, Massachusetts Coalition for the Prevention of Medical Errors; David Hooper, MD, Internal Medicine/ID, Massachusetts General Hospital; Linda Kenney, President, Executive Director, Medically Induced Trauma Support Services; Jim Liljestrand, MD, Medical Director, Quality Improvement, MassPro; Michael Mitchell, MD, Director, Microbiology Services, University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center; Sharon-Lise Normand, PhD, Professor of Biostatistics, Harvard Medical School; Richard Olans, MD, Director, Infectious Disease, Hallmark Health Hospitals; Gail Potter-Bynoe, BS, CIC, Manager, Infection Control, Children's Hospital Boston; Selwyn Rogers, MD, Division Chief, Trauma, Burns, and Surgical Critical Care, Director, Center for Surgery and Public Health, Assistant Professor of Surgery, Brigham and Women's Hospital; Jeannie Sanborn, RN, MS, CIC, Infection Control Professional Heywood Hospital; Thomas Sandora, MD, Pediatric ID, Children's Hospital Boston; Kenneth Sands, MD, Senior Vice President, Health Care Quality, Beth Israel-Deaconess Medical Center; Christine Schuster, RN, CEO and President, Emerson Hospital; David Smith, MHSA, Senior Director, Health Data Analysis & Research, Massachusetts Hospital Association; Carol Sulis, MD, Hospital Epidemiologist, Associate Professor of Medicine, Boston Medical Center; Thomas Sullivan, MD, Cardiologist in Private Practice, Women's Health Center Cardiology (Danvers)


Not stated


This is the current release of the guideline.




None available


This NGC summary was completed by ECRI Institute on October 21, 2008. The information was verified by the guideline developer on December 22, 2009.


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Date Modified: 8/24/2009