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Management and Research Applications of Long-Range Surveillance Radar Data for Birds, Bats, and Flying Insects

This publication is intended to provide a summary of long-range surveillance radar technology and applications of these data to questions about movement patterns of birds and other flying wildlife based on publications that provide more detailed information (Buurma, 1995; Gauthreaux and Belser, 2003a, b; Gauthreaux and others, 2003; Diehl and More...

  • cover image of publication

Southwest Exotic Plant Information Clearinghouse

The Internet Map Server (IMS) visually displays the non-native, invasive plants (weed) occurrences in the current (2003) SWEMP database. An IMS allows you to interactively draw, query, and print maps. The SWEMP IMS was developed from ESRI's ArcIMS presentation product.The Southwest Exotic Plant Information Clearinghouse is a cooperative effort More...

  • SWEMP IMS Screenshot, United States Map